Chapter 13 - He's my Senpai!

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Y/N = Your Name

S/C = Skin Color 

* 3rd person's P.O.V

Ayano was holding her knife to your S/C neck. Your spine was tingling in fear from death. At any moment she could end your life right here, right now. You thought of pushing her away from you but, She might get angry at you. You ask her " What is your problem Ayano?! I thought we were friends." She hisses at you and yells " Friends?! Do friends stab you in the back just to steal my Senpai?." You remember she kill a bunch of girls and you help her as her little partner cleaning up her bloody crime scenes. You try to quit being her sidekick but, If you did she'll probably kill you at your house."  You gasp " Did you kill those girls because of Senpai?." She nods " I did it because they were trying to get with Senpai. I love him more than anyone else in this world." You told her "But, I don't want him! Please spare me Ayano Aishi. I won't be anywhere near him again." She puts the knife down and said " Fine! But this is the last straw. If you get anywhere near him or touch him...." She pulls you by the ear and whispers in a evil voice " I'll find you, catch you, and I'll kill you." She lets go of you and walk away with the knife still in her hands. Your heart was beating crazier than ever. You felt like you were part of a horror movie in the scene where the victim almost die on the spot. The bell rings, You ran downstairs to your nest class and you were still afraid of Ayano ending your life just like the rest of the girls. 

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