13• Supernatural Metal Detector

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Griffin's pov

Scott and I walk around a busted car at the junk yard as Lydia opens the car door, sitting behind the wheel.

They wanted Lydia to have a vision or find a clue for another one of their cospiracies.

Liam and Hayden found the car with a young boy hiding inside and no one can find his parents and Scott and Stiles somehow think the car is a clue.

Lydia slowly ran her hands along the wheel trying to trigger something.

She looked up at the mirror, ''hmm'' she hummed intently.

Stiles jumps up from the back seat excitedly, ''what?'' he asks quickly.

Lydia reaches up, touching her makeup ''this is a perfect shade for me, forget the name'' she says distracted.

Stiles sighs angrily. ''can we please stay on topic here?'' he huffs.

I chuckle as me and Scott stand around bored, probably wondering why we're here.

''I'm not getting anything'' Lydia complained.

A coyote howl causes everyone to stop as Malia runs over, stopping as she transforms into human.

Lydia got out of the car as i walk over handing Malia clothes.

''I don't think they're dead'' Lydia says hopefully.

''They're dead, probably torn apart, the only thing is i don't get why there's no blood'' Malia argued getting dressed.

''They're not dead, if they were dead i'd sense it'' Lydia said stumped.

''If they were alive i'd smell it'' Malia shot back.

Scott shook his head ''yeah, i'm not getting anything either'' he said defeated, Stiles stared at him.

''Scott, what are you talking about? you were in his head for four minutes, i timed it'' he said agitated again.

''Well, it's not an exact science, and he's a kid, maybe he's too freaked out to remember'' Scott pointed out.

''Why does it matter if they're dead? dead is dead'' Malia grew irritated as she pulled pants on.

''Okay, if it's just a random robbery, we can't help them, and if it's supernatural my dad can't help them'' Stiles tries telling us.

''It sounds like you want it to be supernatural'' i say honestly and Stiles looks at me blankly.

''It's been like three months since anything's happened'' he says looking at everyone.

''Yeah, and once a week you drag me out of bed like i'm some sort of supernatural metal detector'' Lydia argues.

''I also don't like being dragged out of bed'' i say raising my hand.

I'm not even supernatural they just keep me around as a friend.

"Okay it is way more often than that, you can't tell me that you think this is just some series of impossible coincidences?'' Stiles expressed looking between us.

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