9• DNA

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Griffin and Theo slowly sat up groaning, they looked around staring at the dead dread doctors scattered across the floor.

"Now I've saved someone" Theo mumbled as he touched the claw marks across his chest.

Griffin stared at him in awe, she didn't think he actually thought about what she said earlier.

She pushed herself off her hands wrapping her arms around him pulling him close.

"Yeah, you saved me" she said breathlessly.

Gently he wrapped his arms over her back, the two pulled away but stayed close.

They froze, staring at each other as Theo lifted his hand softly placing it on Griffin's cheek.

Caught up in the moment they slowly got closer and closer as their breaths mixed.

Loud footsteps bounced towards them and they snapped out of their daze.

They jumped away from each other as Liam ran into the room they were in, "guys are you okay? We gotta go".

The pair stood up, "I've got to leave" Theo said looking down slightly.

Liam looked at him "well yeah we're all leaving" he said confused as Theo looked up.

"I'm not going with you guys" he said in an obvious tone.

"What, where are you going?" Griffin asked looking at him sadly.

He barely looked at her, "somewhere" he said rushing out of the room.

Liam watched as the boy left in a hurry before turning to Griffin, "what's up with him?" He asked curiously.

It was Griffin's turn to look at the floor, "no clue" she mumbled.


Deaton and Stiles walked through the animal clinic as Deaton examined some papers.

"Vanishing twin syndrome.." He spoke as more of a question.

"Part of your expertise, right?" Stiles asked hopefully, "not particularly no" Deaton creased his brows placing the paper along with an ultrasound scan onto the metal table in front of him.

As the two stared at the paper in front of them, the door opened causing them to turn.

Scott, Liam and Griffin stumbled in holding up one of the dread doctors from the fight.

"He's still alive" Scott heaved out.

''Can you keep him alive?'' Scott asked as they lay the dread doctor on the metal table, surrounding him.

''I'm not sure he technically is alive'' Deaton answered pressing his hands around the dread doctor's chest.

''Screw keeping him alive, how do we get him to talk?'' Liam asked irritated.

Intertwined • Nolan Holloway (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now