26• Scream

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I climb up the bleachers, dropping beside Hayden.

"Wait, she's playing?" i stress as Gwen pulls her helmet on.

Hayden sighs, nodding.

Nolan runs across the field and my eyes follow him carefully.

I tense as other players catch my attention, shoving eaching other.

They're fighting, they're all fighting.

Scott and Liam stand amongst it anxiously, it had to be the wild hunt doing this.

"No, we're going to win!" a girl in front of me throws her drink at someone angrily.

It's happening to everyone.

Lightning cracks loudly in my ears and i wince, holding my head as everything spins.

"What's wrong?" Hayden quickly takes my arm.

I turn to her, "you didn't hear that?".

She furrows her brows and right on que lightning fills the sky followed by heavy rain.

"They're coming" i whisper as Hayden rubs my back nervously.

Liam drops his helmet as the ghost riders appear across the field.

The field lights spark before everything falls into darkness.

The ref blows his whistle as the rain grows and everyone runs from the field, except the group.

I let go of Hayden as i bounce down the bleachers, my eyes scanning the players.

"Nolan!" i call out blindly, pushing through the crowd, "Nolan!".

A hand grabs my arm and i turn to Nolan looking down at me worried.

"Are you okay?" i pull him aside, "things are kind of a mess".

He nods, still worried, "I'm okay but you seem upset" he reaches for my hand but pauses.

"I'll be fine, but i think you should leave i have a bad feeling" i blurt out.

He was suspicious enough of all the strange things happening here.

"A bad feeling?" he questions, I'm  making no sense.

I shake my head, "you saw how everyone was acting on the field, starting fights i just don't want you to get involved" i take his hands.

He looks down at them, relaxing.

"Please" i try, looking back onto the field.

Ghost riders start storming off the field towards the crowd.

They want me.

"Nolan, go" i gently push at him and he stares at me confused.

The ghost rider stops, staring at us and my heart drops.

Intertwined • Nolan Holloway (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now