27. House Call

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I sat in the middle of our small living room. To my right, sitting in a heavy set arm chair, was Theo and to my left was my brother Christian sitting in a chair he had pulled out from the dining table across the room. I sat quietly between them all the while I held my breath as the questions my brother was asking was making me very nervous.

"How long have you guys known each other?" Christian asked. "I've never heard Y/n mention you before."

"We've been friends for a while." Theo stated in a sweet voice all the while that fake, friendly looking smile was still plastered on his lips.

"Where do you live?"

"Across the town, past that big water thing."

"You mean the fountain?"

"Yes...I think."

"Oh, so you live over by the forest then."

"Yes I do. I live very close to the forest."

"How old are you?"

"A reasonable age."

"And how old is that?"

"Around the same as Y/n's."

"How did you two meet?"

"Do you really have to ask all these questions?" I butted in while giggling nervously.

"Hey, it's not every day that you bring a friend home so forgive me for being a bit curious." Christian said as he ran a hand through his hair and stretched in his chair. "So how did you meet?"

"I met Y/n while she was on the way to her messenger job." Theo stated. It wasn't a lie, nothing Theo had said was, but he was playing a risky game by telling all these half-truths.

"I think it's time for bed." I stated loudly as I abruptly stood up.

"It's not that late." Christian argued.

"But don't you have work tomorrow?" I asked.

"I do but I can still stay up a few more hours. It's such a nice night after all."

"Sorry Christian but Theo and I are really tired so we are going to head in early." I said as I rushed to pull Theo from his chair and push him up the stairs.

"Good night then." Christian called after us as I pushed Theo into the guest bedroom and shut the door behind us.

"Why'd you do that?" Theo whined. "I was having fun."

"I don't want to lie to my brother." I stated.

"Nothing I said was a lie." Said Theo.

"And nothing you said was the truth either." I sighed as I walked across the room and pulled opened the windows letting in the crisp night air. In the sky stars shown brightly like tiny flames dancing in a sea of black and the moon shined down like a white spotlight casting a faded glow over the streets below and creating shadows under every window and doorway. It was eerily dark and light at the same time and if I strained my eyes I could just barely make out the treetops of the forest in the distance that sent a shiver down my spine and a cold chill down my bare arms.

"Do you think..." I mumbled absently. "Do you think Ray could leave the forest and come here?" I asked.

"It's a possibility." Theo stated. "Which is why I'm here."

"What do I do if he comes?"

"You run and you hide and you hope he doesn't find you. That's really all you can do."

"I dont want to live in fear of him. Both Ray and Merlin. I don't want to spend my life afraid of those woods. What can I do to just make this all go away?"

"Sorry Y/n. I wish I had an answer." Theo said, an uncharacteristically soft edge in his voice as he settled himself down on the edge of the bed and rubbed the back of his pale neck sheepishly.

"I'm just going to go to bed." I muttered as I turned to leave.

"What about me?" Theo asked.

"You're sleeping here tonight. There is a bathroom next door and my room is just down the hall if you need anything. Will you be fine on your own?"

"Will I be fine?" Theo repeated mockingly. "Of course I will be fine. I'm an adult afterall. I'm more worried about you."

"I'll be fine. My room is on the second floor but I'll lock my door and window just in case."

Theo considered this and then nodded in approval as he wished me a small good night as I left and walked down the hall. Stepping into my own bedroom I immediately closed the locked the door behind me. I took the key and placed it up on the inside doorframe where it was hidden from sight but still in reach if I needed it. I didn't even bother changing out of my day clothes as I quickly slipped under my bed covers and rested my head against the soft pillow. My head swarmed with anger, sadness, fear, and uncertainty but I pushed all those thoughts aside as pure exhaustion swept over me. I don't even recall falling asleep, what I do recall however is waking up hours later to the sound of smashing glass echoing throughout the house. I sat up in shock as I sat petrified, my ears straining for any noise. After a few minutes of silence I lept from my bed and ran to the doorway. Putting my hand above the frame, I felt for the key and was surprised when my fingers felt nothing. I looked behind me and noticed that the window, that I specifically remember having shut, lay open. My room suddenly didnt feel like a safe place anymore and as the sound of more smashing glass echoed throughout the house I placed my hand on the doorknob and pulled on it hysterically only to be surprised when it slid open with ease.

"Theo?" I called out into the dark hallway. There was no answer. "Christian?" I strained my ears to listen in on the noises of destruction downstairs and eventually picked up on my brother's panicked voice coming from the downstairs kitchen. Without thinking, I ran down the stairs only to find my house in shambles as furniture stood smashed, couches and curtains slashed, and picture frames hung on walls now sat splintered on the floor shattered into a million glass pieces.

"STOP IT YOU PSYCHO!" My brother's angry voice rang in my ears as I ran to the kitchen to see a sight I wasn't expecting. In the middle of the kitchen stood Theo and Christian wrestling over a baseball bat while the rest of the room lay in shambles. I also took notice of the sickening smell of gasoline that was filling the room as both the oven and stove were on at full blast while unlit. As my brothers saw me his eyes lit up as he still struggled with Theo who was trying to hit him with the bat.


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