14. Sibling Visit

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"You know you really don't have to come with me."

"Of course I do. You didn't get back home till near midnight last week. I gotta make sure my little sis is okay."

 I sigh loudly as my brother Christian follows me closer to the woods. Apparently coming home late last week was the last straw and now he has insisted on coming with me into the woods.

"I want to meet these monster friends of yours." He says as we approach the forest entrance. I should've kept my mouth shut. I shouldn't have told him about Theo and the others because now he's interested and he won't rest till he meets them. I don't think my brother meeting them will necessarily be a bad thing. I'm just worried about how they will react.

"These woods are thick." Says Christian as we walk down the small trail. His eyes dart left and right as he takes in the green scenery. "It kinda creeps me out." He mutters.

"Really?" I ask. "I think its quite pretty."

"Of course you would say that because you are used to it already. Do you remember the times you came here as a kid?"

"What are you talking about?" I ask as I stop near a point where the trail curves and turns left. 

"When you were a little kid you used to sneak off to play in the woods all the time. You scared mom half to death. She would always yell at you about it but come the next day off you were again to go play in the woods."

"I don't remember any of this." I mutter.

"Well you were really little." Christian says. "And around the time you turned nine something happened and you just stopped going which relieved mom but it always made me wonder why you stopped."

"I cant remember. I have absolutely no recollection of this."

"Well you were young."

"You just said I was eight. I should've been old enough to remember. Do you know what I used to do there?"

"No clue but you always came back happy and smiling with all sorts of flowers stuck in your hair. I thought it was cute but mom was horrified." Christian giggles lightly at the thought while I stand there silently. 'Why can't I remember this?' I think to myself as we round the corner and come up to the lake. I slightly take a step back as I see the water and are flooded with memories of last week. 'Is the monster still there?'

"This is pretty." Christian says as he steps closer to the water.

"Not too close." I warn him.

"Why?" He asks as the water starts to gurgle and a head of blue hair emerges from the lake.

"Woah!" My brother yells as he takes a few steps back as Merlin emerges from the water up to his shoulders. He looks over at me with the sad eyes of a kicked dog that makes my heart clench and leaves me confused.

"Did I do something bad?" He asks with a small voice like a child.

"what?" I ask.

"Why did you run from me?"

"I didn't." 

Merlin then temporarily looks away from me to glance at my brother and I swear that as he did so I saw a small flash of anger in his eyes that disappeared as quickly as it came.

"Who is this?" Merlin asks with a slight edge in his voice.

"This...this is my brother, Christian." I say as my brother gives the merman a shy wave. Merlin looks him over and I can see the tension in his shoulders relax as his gaze softens.

"Oh." He mutters. "So he's your brother."

Merlin flashes a soft smile at Christian as he reaches his wet hand out of the water for the boy to shake. Christian does so gingerly as his soft hand comes in contact with merlins cold scally one.

"Its a pleasure to meet you." Merlin says with a smile. "I'm Merlin. Your sister is a good friend of mine."

"That's good to hear." Says Christian as he releases Merlins hand. 

"May I ask what you are doing here in the forest?" Merlin asks Christain.

"I'm here to make sure everyone is being nice to my Y/n." Christain says confidently. "Gotta make sure my little sis is being treated nicely."

Merlin smiles softly and nods in agreement.

"Well I guess we should get going then." I mutter. "We still have to track down Ray and Theo."

"You're leaving? So soon?" Merlin whimpers and I feel my heart clench slightly again but I ignore it as I wave him off. 

"I'll see you again on the way home, ok?" I ask and Merlin pouts slightly but then nods in response.

"Ok." He mutters as his tail slaps the water. I wave goodbye to the merman and Christian and I continue down the trail but we don't get far when out of nowhere Theo jumps into the middle of the road. He doesn't notice us at first but when he does his eyebrows narrow in and he glares us down angrily.

"Y/n?" Theo growls.

"Y-yes?" I answer sheepishly.

"Who is this asshole?"

I look over at Christian who looks slightly taken aback and I smile weakly.

"This is Christian."

"What is 'Christain' doing here?" Theo asks and I try to smile weakly but I'm certain it's coming off as fear.

"He wanted to come to meet my friends. This is my brother, Christian." I say and Christain slightly waves from behind me while Theo continues to glare him down.

"I didn't know you had siblings." Theo says casually. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Sorry." I whimper. "I thought I did."

Theo looks over the two of us carefully before he smiles but his smile isn't warm or pleasant and his eyes are still glaring us down.

"Nice to meet you." He says with a hint of a growl in his voice. "My name is Theo."

"H-hi Theo." Christain mumbles. He is clearly caught speechless in Theos glare.

"Well I would love to stck around and chat with Y/n's 'wonderful' brother but I have something to...deal with." Theo says with a smirk and with a small wave goodbye he dissapears into the tree line.

"Y/n?" Christian whspers. "Please tell me you're not friends with that scary guy."

"Sorry." I whisper back.

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