23. Anger

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It's Alice. She is sitting there with her back pressed up against a tree. Her naked legs are out and are being held tightly to her bare chest as she buries her face into her knees. At first I stand there in silence and she doesn't move but then I hear a soft whimper as I see the side of her arm twitch slightly as she pulls it in closer to her body. At this point I vaguely take note of the specks of blood splattered across her right side as if she had been sprayed by a fine mist of red that in some places had smeared against her skin and in others stayed patchy and blotted as it dried into a crusty red paste. 

"Alice?" I say softly and the girl jumps as her head snaps up to stare at me with wide eyes, her pink hair falls lifelessly around her face as she pulls a strand back with a shivering hand.

"I-it's you." She says in a shaky voice, almost as if she expected me to be there. "Nothing is right. Everything is so wrong." She mutters in a daze as she looks away from me to stare at her own hands. I cautiously step closer as I kneel down beside her.

"Alice, what happened?" I asked. "Are you okay?"

"It wasn't supposed to be like this." She whimpers. "We had a plan. It was supposed to work. How did everything go so wrong?"

"Alice." I state sternly asI finally build up the courage to touch her lightly on the shoulder. "Alice, who killed Sloane?"

She doesn't answer me.

"Alice, who was it? You were there, right?"

She doesn't answer me and then in the distance I can hear the soft call of my name and Alice panics.

"What was that!?" She almost screams as she grabs my hand, her nails digging into the back of my palm.

"Calm down, Alice. It's okay. It's just Ray." I say soothingly as I try to calm her down but it quickly backfires as she suddenly becomes hysterical.

"We have to run!" She states as she all of a sudden pulls me to my feet. "We have to hurry!"

"We don't have to run! Calm down! It's just Ray." I say and I can hear Ray's concerned voice call for me again, this time a bit closer.

"We have to run!" Alice yells. "Now!"

I don't even have time to retaliate as I am pulled off into the woods. Alice runs at a brisk quick pace and I struggle to keep up with her but at the same time I somehow manage not to fall behind as she pulls me with her by the arm. Her nails still digging into my arm draw blood and I can feel the warm liquid trickle down my hand as I wince in pain. After what felt like hours of running but was probably only a few minutes, Alice slows down to a stop and pulls me behind a rocky outcropping near the top of a sheer cliffside. She presses me tightly against the rocks as she squeezes in close as well. I open my mouth to speak but she places her hand firmly over my mouth as she peaks over the rocks and stares in silence at the distant trees. For a while we sit there listening to the sound of our beating hearts and frantic breathes and then eventually she settles and I remove her hand from my mouth as she slouches against the rocks gripping at her hair.

"This isnt right." She mutters under her breath. "This wasn't supposed to happen. He-He isnt like this!"

"What Alice? What happened? Who did it?" I ask sternly as I try to sound calm and responsible in a situation where I know Alice is probably feeling small and helpless. All of a sudden she stops shaking and she looks up at me and something in her eyes shifts and she is suddenly is looking at me with eyes full of hate and disgust.

"This..." She mutters. "This is all your fault."


"If you hadn't come here."

"Alice, what are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about you and your interference! He-he wasnt like this before. You made him this way. Him and all the others!"

Alice is shaking again as she scratches at her blood splattered right arm. The dried blood flakes off like dirt under her fingernails where it crumbles to the rocky ground and blends with the earth. For a second we sit in silence and then, out of nowehere, Alice stands up and slaps me. I wince and bring a hand to my red cheek as I feel a small well of tears prick the corner of my eye. I look up at her and she is a frothing storm of emotions, sadness, fear, anger, mostly anger. At one moment she looks like she is going to curl up and cry and then in a second she is seething again as her eyes burn red hot with hatred.

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" She screams as her voice seems to echo across the silent forest. I slowly stand up and stare at her.

"I...I didn't do anything." I say, somewhat shocked as I rub my sore cheek.

"Not on purpose, but you did. You destroyed everything."

"What did I do?"

"YOU-" Alice seethes as she bites back on her lip, a small blush of red rising in her face. "You just had to be so...you! So nice and pretty and kind! Why'd you have to be that way! You're messing with everyones heads!"

"Alice calm down and explain to me. What happened?"

I try to sound calm but Alice isn't having any of it and as her anger rises she tackles me and starts clawing with her nails at my face and chest.

"ITS YOUR FAULT SLOANE IS DEAD!" She screams as I close my eyes and shield my face from her blows as she tries to punch me in the jaw. Then out of nowhere I hear Alice scream in pain and her weight is no longer on top of me and her nails are no longer clawing into me. I open my eyes and look up and there is Ray holding Alice by the neck above his head as she squirms and claws at his hands holding her.

"Alice." Ray says calmly, his eyes are empty and his voice suddenly sounds detached and hollow. "Alice, what do you think you are doing?"

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