16. Merman Kisses

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Another week another overwhelming sensation that something bad was going to happen. I had gotten used to it. Afterall, it was rare that I entered the forest with good feelings of what's to come. At least this time my brother wasn't tagging along. He wanted to but his boss called him in to work and he couldn't get out of it so today I was going in by myself.

Stepping under the canopy of trees I took a deep breath of the chilled morning air and sighed loudly. Lately I feel as if I have almost no energy. I guess I am getting tired of these long hikes through the woods. Still I keep going by reminding myself that its only a year. One year and then I'll never have to come back here again. I thought the thought would be comforting but it sits somewhat coldly on my mind.

"I actually kind of like this place." I whisper as I stride forward down the forest path until it arches and winds past the large lake where Merlin is already waiting patiently by the rocks.

"Are you waiting for me?" I ask playfully as I step off the path to greet my fishy friend. He greets me with a smile and waves me closer.

"I was hoping you would come today." He says with a large grin. "I have something I want to show you."

"What is it?" I ask but he shakes his head and motions me closer. 

"I dont want to get wet." I say.

"You wont." He says as he motions me even closer. I get down and crawl over on my hands and knees since I feared my leather boots would slip on the wet rocks. I crawl forward until I am basically hovering over the waters edge and I am close enough to make out every detail in Merlins slim yet scaly face.

"What is it?" I ask, more annoyed than curious now since my knees of my pants are getting slightly wet from the rocks. Merlin cups one of his hands and moves it forward as if he was holding something under the water. I lean in for a closer look and when I do his other hand grabs the back of my neck and pulls me close. I shriek and close my eyes expecting to make contact with the water but I am instead met with something soft and cold. I open my eyes to find Merlins hands wrapped gently around the back of my neck and our lips touching. I am absolutely petrified as Merlin eyes stare me down with our faces mere centimeters apart. I feel his lips move on mine and his tongue tries to enter my mouth and I scream and forcibly push him away. There is a loud splash as Merlin is sent back into the water and I fall flat on my butt on the shore.

"What the hell?" I mutter as I wipe my lips on my coat sleeve. The coldness of Merlins lips still linger and I feel myself blush bright tomato red as Merlin breaks the surface of the water and stares me down with expectant eyes.

"Did it work?" He asks as he slowly swims closer.

"W-what? W-what did you-" I stutter.

"Do you love me?" Merlin asks as he grabs my free hand that rests on the dry shore. I shriek and snatch my hand back.

"Of course not!" I scream. "Why did you do that!?"

For a second Merlin stares at me blankly and then his eyes go cold and his face pales.

"What the hell?" He mutters. Its the first time I've heard him swear. "It didnt work. Why didnt it?"

He swims back and forth across the shore muttering to himself for a few seconds and then he hastily swims back to me.

"I'M SORRY Y/N!" He screaches as he grabs my hand again. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Please don't hate me. Please!"

I try to pry his fingers off me but his grip is too strong and his sharp nails are nearly digging into the back of my hand. I wince slightly from the pain.

"Me-merlin." I whimper. "Let go."

Merlin looks down at my bleeding hand and immediately releases me. Just looking down at him I can see the pain and fear in his face as he hovers uncertainly above the water.

"Whats all this about?" I ask as I retreat to what I hope is a safe distance from the water, a distance in which Merlin cant reach me.

"I'm sorry Y/n." Merlin chokes out as he holds back sobs. "But I love you. I love you so much. Please dont hate me. Please say you dont hate me! Please!"

There is a long moment of silence.

"I dont hate you." I mutter and I see Merlin look up at me with expectant eyes. "But I'm not sure if I like you in that way."

Merlins eyes drop down to the water and he runs a scaly hand through his long blue hair where he roughly tugs at the strands hanging over his face.

"Does that mean I still have a chance?" He asks hesitantly.

"I dont know." I mutter as I glance up at the changing sky. I have no idea how much time has passed but judging by the position of the sun it is well past morning. 

"I have to go." I say and I can see Merlin look up at me in panic.

"Will you ever come back?" He asks. "Please dont abandon me. I promise I'll never do anything like that again!"

I nod to him in understanding and I can see the tension in his face relax slightly as I wave goodbye and run back into the woods.

Merlin pov.

The moment she is gone I dive deep back down into the water and scream to my hearts content.

"STUPID SEALLY!" I screech as I pick up the empty glass potion bottle he had given him and fling it against the rock wall where it shatters into a hundred glass shards. I asked for the potion nearly two weeks ago and when he finally gave it to me yesterday I was overcome with joy. It was a simple potion. He said all I had to do was drink it and the next person I kissed would fall madly in love with me.

"HE LIED!!" I screamed as I flung myself at the lake wall and dug my nails into the sandy rocks.

"He's going to pay for this." I mutter under my breath. "He is going to pay."

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