4. Ray's Friends

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When I finished cleaning the shrine I got my things together and turned to head home but was stopped by a surprising sight. A certain white haired elf had fallen asleep while waiting for me and was now dreaming peacefully while leaning against a nearby tree.

"He's pretty cute when he's not growling at me." I said aloud and instantly slapped a hand over my mouth as Theo moved in his sleep. Luckily he didnt wake up and I breathed a sigh of relief as I debated whether I should wake him. After much debating I decided he was way too peaceful to wake so I left a note and headed down the trail back out of the forest. I hadnt been walking far when I got this feeling of being watched but this time I didnt have to confront them as the person imediatly stepped in front of me on the trail and flashed me a smile.

"Hello, princess!" Ray beamed as his tail wagged wildly behind him. I stood in perfect silence as i watched his tail. Rays smile slowly faded and he cast me a confused look before he turned to see what I was starring at and his face grew red.

"Damn thing!" He growled as he grabbed the end of the fluffy brown tail and held it tightly in his hand to keep it still.

"No need to be embarrassed. Isn't that pretty normal for a wolf man?" I asked and Ray nodded with a slight pink still on his cheeks.

"It's perfectly normal!" He squeaked before he took a step aside to calm himself before regaining his regular, flirty, composure.

"What is a pretty lady like you doing on a beautiful day like this?" Ray asked as he ran a hand through his thick hair.

"I'm going home." I stated and his shoulders slumped.

"But I just got here!" He whined. "Please, just stay a bit longer!"

"And do what?"

"I can show you around. What do you say? You know very few humans ever get their own private tours of the forest."

I bit my lip and sighed loudly.

"Sounds dangerous." I muttered.

"It won't be. You'll be with me." Ray stated.

"That is exactly why it sounds dangerous."

Ray rolled his eyes and smiled innocently as he put forth a hand for me to take. I looked up at the sun and saw that it was still early. I had reached the shrine quicker than I had originally thought so I had some time to kill.

"Fine." I muttered as I took Rays hand and he immediately took off pulling me into the woods while I yelled at him to slow down.

Time skip.

I regret absolutely everything. I was expecting a simple walk through the woods but instead end up running for what feels like miles with Ray tugging at my arm the whole way. When we finally did stop I barely had time to breath before my breathe got caught in my throat at the sight in front of me. In front of me was a large clearing with a small river running through it and the place was full of monsters. A couple red eared wold people were hanging out by some rocks while a burly ogre man tried to climb up a tree and in the river several merpeople were splashing about while sunbathing on the river rocks. They all seemed to be having a pretty good time until I stepped in at which point the whole area went silent and everyones eyes turned on me.

"Ray?" I squeaked as I clung onto his arm. "Why did you bring me here? What were you thinking?"

"I wanted you to meet my friends." Rays says innocently as he drags me over to the largest group of people which so happened to be forming by the riverbend where two mermaids, an older wolf man, and some sort of troll elf thing were hanging around. They all eyed me suspiciously as Ray pulled me over and pushed me into the group.

"RAY, WHAT IS THIS!?" One of the mermaids hissed. She was small in size with long pink hair, pink tail, and pinkish skin with huge buggish yellow eyes that seemed to be close to bursting out of her face. Her voice was shrill like nails on a chalkboard and her mermaid companion wasn't much better.

"OF ALL THE STUPID THINGS....WHY WOULD YOU BRING A HUMAN HERE!?" The other one cried. She was nearly identical to her friend only her hair and tail were red and her skin had a more orangish tone to it.

"This is the new messenger, Y/n." Ray said with a smile. He seemed completely oblivious to the hostility the two mermaids were displaying. Meanwhile the older wolf man and the troll couldn't seen to care less.

"Nice to meet you." The wolf said with a ghost of a smile and the troll nodded its head in agreement without looking up from what it was doing which seemed to be some sort of wood widdling. 

"Nice to meet you too." I squeaked out as I still hovered close to Ray for safety. Then the mermaids did something shocking, they got out of the water and walked up to me. What seconds ago had been a tail were now legs and it was really freaking me out.

"She's not much." The red one hissed as she looked me over from head to toe with judging eyes.

"I've seen prettier." The pink one snapped at me as she seemed to circle my form like a shark searching for a weak point.

"That's enough you two!" Ray snarled and the two mermaids, or whatever they were, giggled and raised their hands playfully in defense.

"Why so mean?"

"We didn't do anything?" They cried. The pink one then came up around Rays right side and wrapped her arm around his as she pulled her slick body closer to his. Did I mention she was naked. It really made the whole thing really awkward but Ray didn't seem to notice much.

"Is this where you've been all day?" The pink one asked. "Hanging out with smelly humans? I've been so lonely without you." She purred as she rubbed her hand slowly up and down his arm. Ray growled and shoved her off as he quickly inched over to me and wrapped an arm protectively around my shoulder.

"If you aren't going to be nice then we are leaving!" He growled and the tow mermaids hissed at him loudly before diving back into the water and disappearing down the stream. Ray waved a quick goodbye to the other two before he once again started pulling me away from the valley with his arm still around my shoulder.

"Sorry about that." He whispered once we had walked pretty far.

"It's fine." I muttered. "You can let go now."

Ray stiffened as if he finally took notice of how he was holding me and immediately let go, a huge blush on his face.

"You act like a flirt but you're actually quite bashful, arent you?" I said with a giggle which caused him to blush even more as he tugged his hair down in an attempt to cover his eyes. After regaining what little composure he had left, Ray walked me back to the trail and bid me farewell.

"Untill next time, princess." He said with a wink and a bow. I smiled back and waved as I continued down the path and out of the forest where i found my brother waiting on the ourskirts of the trees.

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