18. First Body

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A body was found this week. It washed down the river and into the village from out of the woods. People who saw it said how horribly disfigured it was with its face clean ripped off and its arms and legs covered in cuts and bruises. It was so disfigured that the town doctor couldn't even tell if it was a man or a woman, but he did know one thing, it wasn't a human. Afterall it came out of the woods.

"You really shouldn't go." Christian said as I pulled my boots on and grabbed my bag.

"I have to. I want to make sure everyone is okay." I argued. All week I had been worried about that body and had been praying it was no one I knew. I had to go into the woods. I had to make sure.

"At least let me go with you." Christian said.

"No way. Not going to happen. I'm fine by myself."

Christian sighed. "Do you have like no sense of danger?" He asked.

"I have to make sure everyone is okay." I answered as I quickly opened the door and ran out before my brother could stop me. I ran all the way from my small house near the center of the town to the forest entrance. Then I stood there a few minutes just staring at the trees.

"It will be fine." I whispered to myself. "Everything will be fine."

And with that I started walking briskly down the path. The forest that I had come to adore now felt tense and quiet. I walked forward slowly while listening to the sound of my own breath. The first place I came to: Merlins lake.

"Merlin?" I called out over the water. It felt weird being back considering what had just happened last week but I decided to put that aside for now and make sure he was okay.

"Merlin?" I called again and the water rippled as Merlins head popped up from under the water. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw him but he seemed tense to see me.

"Y/n, is everything ok?" He asked as he swam cautiously toward the shore. He must have found my behaviour strange."

"A body washed up in the river." I told him and his eyes went wide.

"A human?" He asked.

"No, a monster."


"I dont know." I answered. "I'm going to go around and check on everyone to make sure they are okay."

"Wait! Don't go!" He screached. "What if it's dangerous? You just told me someone died."

"I'll be fine." I muttered but Merlin didn't seem to be believing me as he looked up at me with big, watery puppy dog eyes.

"Please stay here." He begged. "At least wait till one of the other guys get here so you dont have to walk around alone."

"Are you expecting someone?" I asked and Merlin nodded.

"Ray was supposed to drop by today. Please stay here and wait for him. Please?"

I looked down at his pleading eyes and sighed. "Fine." I muttered as I sat myself down on the nearest rock. Merlin visibly relaxed and breathed out a sigh of relief as he swam a bit closer to my rock.

"What do you know about the body?" He asked.

"That it was a monster and that t was horribly disfigured." I answered.

"Did you see it?"



"Why good?"

"I dont want you seeing those kind of ugly things." He said.

For awhile we sat in silence. It still felt awkward from last week and neither of us really knew what to say. Finally I couldn't take the silence anymore and I opened my mouth.

"Last week you said you liked me." I began and Merlin nodded.

"I do."

"What do you like about me?" I asked. "I dont remember doing anything particularly nice to warrant your affection."

"Why I like you? Well...um... would it be wrong to say its cause you're beautiful. You're beautiful and kind and you treat me like any other person. I don't get that alot around here. Most people tend to avoid me."

"Because you're cursed?" I asked.

"How do you know that!?"

"Seally told me." I answered and I could see Merlin tremble slightly.

"Yes, I am cursed and yes, people avoid me because of it." He grumbled as he looked up at me with hesitant eyes.

"Y/n-" He began but was cut short at the rustling of branches as Ray steps into the clearing.

"Hey, Y/n." He says with a smile as he catches sight of me sitting on the rock and I can see his tail start to wag behind him. "I didn't know you would be here."

"I was waiting for you." I stated. "Merlin won't let me leave unless you accompany me."

"Why is that?" Ray asked, confused.

"Someone's been killed." Merlin answered. "A monster. Their body washed up in the river."

Ray's tail stopped wagging and he folded his ears back. "Really?" He asked and I nodded.

"I want you to come with me to make sure everyone else is okay." I stated.

"Of course." Ray said. "Lets hurry up and go now."

I nodded in agreement as I waved goodbye to Merlin and followed Ray deep into the woods.

"Lets check on Seally first since he's closer and then we will go find Theo." Said Ray and I nodded in agreement as we walked over fallen logs until eventually reaching the small clearing in which Seallys house sat. Stepping into the valley I could see from a distance that the door to Seallys house was standing open. Ray noticed too and he tensed slightly as he put a hand in front of me and motioned for me to stay still.

"Wait here." He said as he stalked across the valley and up to the open doorway. I watched him disappear inside and stood waiting in anxious anticipation. A few seconds passed by and then Ray appeared in the doorway again and gestured me over. I quickly ran across the valley and stopped in the doorway where I took in a quick gasp. The whole house was trashed with overturned tables and broken glass covering the floor.

"Carefull where you step." Ray warned me as I cautiously walked into the room.

"Where's Seally?" I asked quietly.

"He's not here." Ray stated. "But I found some blood upstairs."

"Show me." I ordered and Ray shook his head.

"You dont want to see it." He said. "Its pretty gross."

I sucked in a shaky breathe.

"What happened here?" I asked as my voice shook as I was on the verge of crying.

"I dont know." Ray said as he stepped forward and wrapped an arm prtectively around me. "But dont worry. I'll find out."

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