12. Antidote

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Ray pov:

I am going to kill him. I'm really going to do it this time. Three years I've known Theo and never in those long years together has he ever done something to make me this pissed. Sure, there have been times where his self-centeredness and lack of empathy have gotten on my nerves, but never would I imagine he would go this far. Quite frankly, I didn't think he would care enough to bother.

I am still seething with anger as I step over the fallen birch log and turn around the twisted oak before stepping into the clearing in the trees. Theo is there, of course, with his back turned to me as he sits on the ground idly weaving grass strands together. I storm up behind him and can see his pointed ears twitch as he hears my footsteps on the patchy earth. He turns and looks up at me as I come to stop behind him. His eyes scan me over as if reading my expressions before he sighs loudly and turns his back to me as he goes back to weaving.

"What do you want, dog?" He growls. "I'm in the middle of something."

"You've gone to far this time Theo!" I growl back as I make no distinct effort to hide the snarl in my voice.

"I have no idea what you mean." He says innocently.

"Don't play with me! I know you did something to Y/n! I was already onto your little tricks last weak so there is no use in playing dumb now."

"I don't know what you mean." He says again and I growl deeply as I grab him by the back of his shirt and yank him to his feet.

"LET GO!" He screams as he throws punches at me which I dodge easily before grabbing his wrists and holding him steady.

"We are going to Seallys and you are going to apologize for what you have done." I growl.


I ignore him as I throw the screaming Theo over my shoulder and run off with him. Compared to Y/n Theo is a bit heavier but still very light all the same and it takes no effort once so ever to carry him through the woods and back to Seallys cabin. When I get there Y/n is still standing awkwardly in the door way staring down the raven haired boy. When she turns and sees me she jumps slightly and backs away in fear. Seeing her look at me like this pulls at my heart while at the same time making me boil with rage. I didn't do anything wrong. There should be no reason for her to look at me like that.

"Welcome back." Seally states calmly as I walk to the center of the room and drop the still struggling Theo on the floor. As soon as his bum hits the floor he flys to his feet and tries to tackle me in rage. I easily dodge him and kick him in the side sending the smaller boy skidding into a nearby table. This small act of violence slightly appeases that rather large part of me that wants to rip out his throat.

"Please don't fight in here." Seally begs. "I have your antidote all ready so please just calm down."

"Not until he admits it!" I bark at him with my eyes still fixed on Theo where he sits propped against the wall. "Not until he admits what he's done!"

I walk over and grab Theo by the shoulder and yank him so he is facing Y/n. She looks absolutely terrified standing huddled up in the corner. I don't know exactly how she is seeing me right now but from her perspective I probably look like the bad guy who is beating up her friend.

"TELL HER." I growl.

"Never." Theo whispered and at this point I'm just about ready to smash his teeth in when Seally steps between us and stops me.

"There is absolutely no fighting in my house." Seally states as he separates me and Theo and drags Theo to the opposite side of the room. "Now I made your antidote so do you want me to give it to her or not." He says as he waves a small bottle of blue liquid.

"Of course." I say. "But not until he apologizes."

"Then we are going to be here forever then. You know Theo better than anyone so you should know that he is not one to apologize." Seally states as Theo stands next to him with a sly and evil grin. He looks so god damn proud of himself.

"I really don't get you." I growl. "You don't even care about her so why would you go so far to do something like this? Whats the point?" I ask Theo.

"Not. Telling." Theo says calmly as he looks me dead in the eye with that stupid smile on his face. I grimace at the sight of it as I force myself to look away.

"Just give her the damn antidote." I mutter as Seally nods and walks over to Y/n.

"Drink this." He orders.

"w-why? What is it?" Y/n asks.

"Just drink it. It will make the monsters go away."

Y/n looks over at me hesitantly as she takes the bottle in shaking hands and drinks from it. Immediately her eyes go big and she drops to the floor.

"WHAT DID YOU DO!?" I scream as I run to her while Theo watches intently across the room.

"Don't freak out. She's just sleeping." Seally grumbles. "When she wakes up her vision will be back to normal. No more scary monsters."

"Seally, do me a favor. Next time Theo asks you to do something for him, dont do it." I say.

"I see no reason why I shouldn't since he paid the fee. Speaking of which we now need to settle the issue of your bill. That antidote was expensive. How are you going to pay for it?" Seally asks.

"I would give you money but I don't have any and I know that's not what you want. Just tell me what I can give you." I say. Seally sighs as he puts a finger up to his forehead as if thinking deeply.

"I got it." He says after a few seconds of pondering. "A tooth."

"A what?"

"A tooth. Werewolf teeth have all sorts of magical properties and it would be perfect for my collection. What do you say?"

"I dont know."

"If you dont want a tooth I can take a finger."

"Fine. A tooth it is." I grumble as Theo snickers at me from across the room. Thats the thing about Seally, his potions are amazing and he can do almost anything but his prices are a little extreme. I sigh loudly as Seally grabs a pair of large pliers from a nearby table and beckons me into the back room. I swear to god Theo I am going to make you pay for putting me through this hell.

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