9. Potions

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By this point in time my umbrella is useless since I am already soaked by rain but I carry it above me nonetheless. The world is filled with the soft whistles of birds in the forest trees and the frequent patter of rain drops on my plastic umbrella. I haven't walked far when I become suddenly aware of a sharp pain in my left leg. I look down and sure enough there is a good sized cut running along my knee where the fabric of my pants has been ripped open. I assume I must have cut myself on the rocky trail when Seally tackled me to the ground earlier. I sigh as I lean down and cautiously pick dirt and small rocks out of the wound, cringing every time my fingers made contact with the bloody flesh.

"Well isn't this just great." I mutter sarcastically to myself as I try to wipe away the blood that is now staining my pants leg. I hear movement to my right but don't even bother looking up. Based off experience I can already guess who it is and sure enough, seconds later, a young lad with a mop of white hair appears from the trees.

"What are you doing standing around here in the rain?" Theo asks me and I shrug and ignore him as I continue to pick dirt out of the cut. Theo's eyes scan me over once as he takes note of my disheveled and rain-soaked appearance before his eyes fall on the wound on my leg.

"Are you okay?" He asks and for a second I thought I heard genuine worry in his voice.

"I'm fine." I mutter. "It's just a cut." But that's obviously not the case as I try to take one step forward and immediately stumble in pain startling the young elf boy who looks at me with worry and uncertainty. For a second he just stares at the blood on my knee before his eyes suddenly glaze over and a soft smile forms on his lips.

"I have something that might help." He says quickly as he rummages around in his bag before pulling out a small, thin glass bottle, similar to a test tube in size and shape, and sealed shut with a small tan cork. Inside the bottle a thick purple liquid sloshes around. It appears sticky like glue and has a soft metallic shine to it.

"Drink this." He says quickly as he shoves the bottle into my hands.

"What is it?" I ask uncertainly as I examine the inside liquid with a mixture of disgust and fascination.

"Its.... it's a healing potion." He mutters.

"You don't sound too sure." I say.

"Of course I'm sure." He growls back at me as he takes the bottle from my hand and uncorks it. "Now drink." He orders.

"I really don't want to."

"It will make you better."

"But it looks weird."

"With your leg like that do you honestly think you will be able to make it the rest of the walk out of the forest?" He snarls. I look down at my injured leg and then back up at Theo.

"Are you sure this is safe?" I ask him as I hesitantly take the bottle from his hands.

"Of course." He states confidently as he watches me with anticipation. I sigh as I bring the bottle up to my lips and tip the contents into my mouth and swallow quickly. The consistency is like glue and it tastes like vinegar and prune juice. Immediately I feel my whole body go slightly numb as my vision gets a little foggy. I feel dizzy and I rub my eyes as my vision quickly returns.

"How do you feel?" Theo asks.

"It doesn't hurt anymore but I feel strange." I muttered as I stretched and flexed my injured leg. The cut was still there but the bleeding had stopped and so had the pain.

"The feeling will pass." Theo states as he takes the empty bottle from me and shoves it back in his bag. "For now I will walk you out of the forest. Afterall, I don't want you getting lost again." I smile at his concern and gratefully accept his offer as we walk together out through the rain.

Time Skip:

Several hours later and I am sitting at home in my room and I still can't quite shake the feeling that something is wrong with me. The healing potion wasn't exactly a healing potion per say since it only made the pain go away and didn't actually heal the wound but I was less concerned with that and more concerned about any negative side effects. The moment I got home my brother, Christian, took note of my odd behavior and hasn't left me alone about it.

"Are you sure you are okay?" He asks. He is lazing around on my bed reading a magazine while I am sitting at my desk reading a book. I look up at him from the page and sigh dramatically.

"I'm fine." I mutter as I try to focus my concentration back on the book page but I just cant stay focused.

"I'm worried about these friends of yours, the elf guy and the dog and the fish man, how do you know that they aren't leading you astray?" Christian asks.

"They are good guys. They wouldnt do anything bad." I answer lazily as i flip to the next book page even though I hadnt quite finished reading the prevous page.

"You dont know that." Christian argues. "They are monsters. They think differently than we do and I know I dont want to freak you out by saying this but you have to remeber that not all messengers that go into the forest come back safely."

I sigh as I put my book down and look back at him.

"I'll be fine." I state confidently but Christian doesnt seem to buy it.

"Maybe I should come with you." He states boldly and I shake my head wildly at the thought.

"No way. You are not going into the woods with me. Its against the rules!"

"Actually there is no clear rule stating that people arent allowed to accompany the messenger. Its just been that nobody has wanted to up to this point."

"I still say no."

Christian sighs and grumbles in understanding as he goes back to his magazine but I can still see the wheels turning in his head. I am going to have to be extra careful from now on otherwise Christian may try to follow me into the forest and I dont think the others would react to kindly to that.

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