21. Forewarning

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Those weren't dog eyes. Those were the cold green eyes of a snake and they were staring straight at me. I found myself absolutely paralyzed in its gaze as I swallowed deeply and tried to hobble back slightly but with no result. At first I didn't recognize it but then, in a sudden flash, I recalled that rainy day we first met and my eyes went wide.


The dog tilted its head and stared at me and then it twitched as its body seemed to morph and change growing bigger and bigger until what stood before me was no longer a small dog but instead a young man dressed in robes of black.

"Seally!" I screamed and the second he finished transforming I tackled him in a bone-crushing hug and squeezed him tightly.

"Y/n?" Seally muttered, his voice muffled under me as I squeezed him tight.

"I'm so glad you're okay!" I cried as tears welled up in my eyes.

"Y/n, your breasts are smothering me." Seally said and I let go quickly as I jumped back, my cheeks red from embarrassment.

"I'm so sorry!" I squealed as I fiddled in place.

"Its fine." He said as he combed through his ruffled black hair with one hand and straightened out his robes with the other. "I'm surprised to see you here." He muttered.

"You're surprised? I'm surprised! You've been missing for days, your house is trashed, there's blood in your bedroom, and a body washed up in the river!"

"Sorry. My bad."

"What do you mean 'my bad'!?"

"Calm down."

"Tell me where've you been!"


I sighed and took three deep breathes as I calmed my racing heart.

"Where have you been, Seally?" I asked, in a calm and understanding tone.

"Hiding." He said.

"Hiding from who?"

"Everyone really."

"Seally, what happened at your house?"

Seally tilted his head to the side and looked at me confused before a spark of recognization flashed across his face.

"Oh." He muttered. "My house. Well..."

 He stopped and looked around as if checking to see if we were really alone before stepping back and leaning against the alleyway wall.

"It was those two mer-wenches." He said at last.


"The mer-wenches. I denied them a potion a few weeks back and they did not take it well. They snuck in when I wasn't home and trashed the place but I came home and I caught them."

"What happened then?"

"We fought."

"Are you alright?"

"Of course I was alright. Who do you think I am? The same cannot be said for those two...things."

"Seally?" I took a deep breath. "Did you kill one of the mermaids?"

"No." He answered quickly. "I could've but I didn't. What I did do was beat them to pulp and scare the living hell out of them but they both left my house alive and breathing."

"Then the body in the river?" I asked. "Who is it?"

"What makes you think I would know?"

"I dont know...because you seem smart...because you seem like you know everything."

"I dont think knowing everything is a good thing." He mumbled. "But I will admit... I do know who was the body in the river."

"Who!?" I screamed and Seally jumped back slightly startled.

"Sloane." He answers simply.

"...are you sure?"


"But I thought you said they left your house alive!?"

"They did. Something must have happened afterward. I just came back from the coroners. I saw the body. It had wounds. Wounds that weren't there when I last saw them. Deep cuts. Very deep."

"Then what about Alice? Is she dead as well?"

"No clue. For now I need to get back to the woods."

"Are you going back to your house?" I ask.

"No. My house isnt safe right now."

"What do you mean 'safe'? Whats not safe about it?"

Seally is silent for a second and then he smiles but its not a warm smile, its sly and full of mischievous intent. He raises a finger silently and beckons me closer. I lean in slightly and he whispers to me.

"Something is happening." He whispers. "The woods are changing and the anger is building up. Before anything bad happens I want you to know that I dont blame you for any of this. It was bound to happen eventually. If not with you then with someone else."

"Whats happening?"

"This is simply cause and effect." He continues.

"What is?"

"I'm not going to give you any advice because, quite frankly, I want to see how this plays out without my interference, but I will tell you this."

He leans in closer.

"You are one very unlucky girl."


Then there is a loud pop and a flash of smoke. I cough as I breath in the fumes and wave my hands to clear the smoke. Once it is clear Seally is gone and I am standing alone in the alleyway. Outside the sun has fully risen and the streets are full of busy people. I stand in utter silence for a few seconds processing what I've been told. What bad thing is going to happen? Sloane is dead but what about Alice? Is she dead? Is she in trouble? I didn't care much for either girl but that didn't mean that I wanted them to die.

"I have to go tell Ray." I whisper to myself as I run out of the alley and back out onto the busy streets. I run nonstop untill I reach the forest entrance and upon stepping inside I am suddenly aware of a very hostile energy in the air. Its so pugnent and overpowering that I almost take a step back and turn the other way to escape it but I stop myself.

"I have to find Ray." I whisper again as I walk deeper into the woods towards the spot Ray is waiting for me. I see him from a distance and smile as I wave in his direction. He sees me and his face lights up as his tail wags back and forth happily behind him.

Rays pov.

She's here.

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