20. Worry

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The sun was setting soon. I had to go home but I couldn't bear the thought of getting up and leaving, not while Seally was still missing. Theo and I sat quietly in the field waiting for Ray and I swear that every second that passed felt like an eternity. For a long while we sat in silence untill finally Theo spoke up.

"You don't have to look so worried." He said quietly, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'm sure that old shapeshifter is fine. He's a lot stronger than he looks."

"I know that." I muttered. "But I still can't help but be worried."


"Because he's my friend and I care about what happens to him."

Theo huffed and turned away from me so we were sitting back to back. There was a long period of silence where I counted the petals on the flowers at my feet.

"What about me?" He finally said. The usual irritated tone was absent from his voice.

"What about you?"

"Do you worry about me?"

"Of course. That's why I was so happy earlier to see you were okay."

"Oh." Theo muttered. I could hear him shuffling his feet in the grass. I sighed and looked up at the darkening sky.

"I wonder where Ray is." I said out loud. "Its getting late. I'm going to have to leave soon."

"You don't have to leave." Theo muttered and I looked at him from over my shoulder. "Its not like anything really bad will happen if you stay."

"If I dont go back my family will worry." I said and Theo grunted. I could tell I had upset him somehow but just when I was going to open my mouth to speak again there came a rustling in the trees and out stepped Ray into the clearing looking ragged and tired.

"I looked everywhere." He said in between labored breaths. "Can't find him anywhere. The girls are missing too."

"What girls?" Theo asked.

"Sloane and Alice." Ray said and I shivered at the thought of them while at the same time worry lay thick on my mind. I didn't really like them but I didn't want them to get hurt. Were they okay? Was Seally okay?

"I have to go now." I said as I stood up reluctantly and brushed the grass off my pants. "But...would it be okay...if I came again...tomorrow? I know I'm not supposed to...but..."

"Of course." Ray said quickly as I could see his ears and tail perk up slightly.

"What for?" Theo growled.

"I want to help look for everyone."

"Of course you can come." Ray said as he stepped forward to grasp my hands tightly. "I'll come get you at the entrance first thing in the morning."

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Absolutely. I'll also walk you home. It's getting dark, after all."

I smiled and nodded as I gave a little wave goodbye to Theo before walking out of the field with Ray still grasping tightly to my hand.

Theo pov.

"You've sure got guts." I growled as Ray returned from escorting Y/n out of the woods.

"What did I do?" Ray asked innocently but with an evident glare in his eyes.

"You are using Seallys disappearance to get Y/n to spend more time with you."


"So you admit it? Thats sick. Just asking, but you didn't have anything to do with Seally, did you?"

"If you are asking if I killed Seally then the answer is no. Did you?"


There is a long moment of silence.

"Then who did?"

Time Skip. Y/n pov:

 I woke up really early that next morning when the sun had just barely begun to rise above the trees. My brother and parents were still sleeping as I slipped on my clothes and ran downstairs to put on my shoes. I had told them last night that I would be leaving early the next morning and would be out all day but I didn't tell them where I was going. If I told them I was going into the woods they would have thought me mad.

Silently I slipped out of the house and began the long walk to the woods. On the city streets there were no people, no noises, the town hadn't waken up yet.

"I hope I'm not too early." I whispered as I turned the corner down a narrow alley. I stopped as I took note of a small group of stray dogs fighting in the alley corner. There were three of them, all averaged sized with matted fur and droopy eyes, and they were picking on a small black dog that was huddled in the corner. 

"Thats just mean. Shoo! Shoo!" I yelled at them. The strays jumped, startled, and looked back at me. Quickly I picked up a dropped can from a nearby trash can and threw it at them. It hit one dog in the forehead, it yelped in surprise, and all three took off into the streets leaving the small black dog alone. I stepped towardsit cautiously.

"You okay, little guy?" I asked as I stooped down to its level. For a second it didn't move and just stared at the floor. I started to worry that maybe it was hurt. I thought about maybe bringing it home but I had already made plans to meet Ray in the woods and my parents would probably be pissed if I brought home a flee ridden stray. As I thought this over the dog stirred and then it quickly looked up at me and as it did I shrieked and fell back. Those werent dog eyes. Those were the cold green eyes of a snake.

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