7. Theo's property

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Theo pov.

She was gone. When I came back she was gone. I only left her alone for a few minutes and since she was asleep I figured she would stay put but that obviously wasn't the case. I growled to myself in annoyance as I closed my eyes and searched through the rays of energy surging through the air until I found the one I was looking for.
"So you went this way." I mumbled to myself as I followed the energy trail for several yards until it suddenly dissapeared. The human energy was being masked by that of others and it was making it difficult to track. 'Who is with her?' I thought to myself as I tried to pick apart the strands of energy to figure who or what was accompanying my human.
"Don't you look as sour as always." A voice called out to me in a smooth and sing song manner. I groaned loudly as I turned around to glare down the eager werewolf which was eyeing me.
"What do you want Ray?" I growled and Ray smiled at me as he raised his head to sniff at the air before smirking.
"So it's the little princess Y/n? You stalking her or something?" He asks.
"It's nothing like that so get lost." I growl as I turn back and try to focus on the energy however Rays nose is ten times better than my energy detection so he quickly adds on.
"Who's she with? They smell fishy."
Ray nods. "In the literal sense. It smells like fish." He scrunches his nose in disgust at the smell as his brown ears fold back slightly. I always thought that Ray was an ass but I had to admit that in situations like this he was quite helpful.
"Can you tell which way she went?" I ask somewhat shyly. I'm kind of pissed off that I had to resort to asking for help from a dog.
"Yes." Ray answers with a smile.
"Can you tell me?" I ask annoyed and he shakes his head no. "Why not?!" I growl.
"Tell me Theo, what are your feelings on Y/n?" Ray asks.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean what do you think of her?"
The smile on his face is sickeningly sweet and holds diffident mischievous intent so I hold off on answering for awhile.
"She's a mess." I say at last. "She's a weak and pathetic little girl who is incapable of doing her job without someone holding her hand. She's pathetic but at the end of the day all that doesn't really matter because she is mine."
"You don't get to decide that."
"Sorry to burst your bubble, pup, but Y/n has been and will always be mine. It's been that way for years and whether she remembers or not doesn't matter to me as long as everyone else knows she's mine." I finish my little rant as Ray stares at me blankly. There is a sort of dull tone in his eyes as his tail twitches uncomfortably at his back end.
"I didn't know you were so possessive." He mutters at last. "Or that you could care this much about someone else."
"I don't care."
"It sounds like you do."
"Well I don't!" I hiss and Ray steps back a step.
"For now I'll let you be with your little delusions but let's not forget that Y/n's time here is limited till the end of the year. Once a week for a year isn't that much time and it will all be over before you know it."
I growl at him as he walks away and once again I am left alone in the trees. Y/n's energy is long since gone from the area as I am sure she is already on her way home. I groan in frustration as I dig my fingers into the soft earth, pulling up clumps of grass. Everyone had their eye on my Y/n and while I'm trying to not let it show that it bothers me, in reality I am blowing a fuse. I am infuriated.
"She belongs to me." I hiss. "She always has."
"Well aren't you possessive."
I look up into two familiar faces. I didn't know them well but I recognized them as being friends of Ray.
"What do you want?" I growl as I wipe the dirt from my hands and stand back up. The two fish girls giggle at me. The pink one takes on a coy stance while the red one smiles deeply and stands tall in front of me showing confidence in her stance.
"What are you doing out here by yourself mumbling like a crazy person?" The pink one, Alice, asks me with a coy smile.
"None if your business."
"Were you talking about everyone's 'favorite' little human messenger?" The red one, Sloane, asks. She talks with a certain parenthesis on the the word 'favorite' which leads me to believe she was speaking sarcastically.
"What do you have against Y/n?" I ask, somewhat ticked off that someone would speak badly about my property.
"It's Ray, she spends way too much time with Ray!" Alice shrieks.
"Merlin too." Sloane adds on. "She is trying way too hard to charm all the boys around here and it's getting aggravating.
"Ray is mine!" Alice hisses.
"And I've been trying to woe Merlin for months!" Barks Sloane. "What does she have that we don't?!"
"Clothes for one thing." I say and the two mergirls glare down at me as they shift awkwardly as if suddenly aware of their naked state.
"If I wore clothes do you think Ray will like me?" Alice asks somewhat shyly.
"Highly doubtful." I answer honestly. "For one thing he hates the smell of fish." Alice purses her lip as her eyes water pitifully as if about to cry.
"You like Y/n, right?" Alice asks as she silently recollects a more confident demeanor.
"I don't like her per-say but she is mine."
"Whatever, just do us a favor and keep her away from our men."
"Don't know and don't care. Just do it!" Sloane barks.
"Maybe a little magical manipulation will do the trick." Alice adds on with a smile and I pause to consider it before stopping and smiling wildly at the two of them.
"I'll see what I can do."

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