3. Cleaning Duty

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The job of messenger only lasted one day a week. One week down, fifty-one more to go. At the begning of the second week I recieved the necesary paper from the chief and then my brother Christian walked me to the forest entrance. The walk was slent since he didnt want to say anything to make me nervous yet none the less it was comforting knowing he was there.

"I'll see you bac home tonight." He said with a smile as we reached the forest. "Mom is making your favorites."

"Can't wait." I muttered with fake enthusiam as Christian waved me off and I walked back into the dreaded forest. I had come to understand by now that the dirt path I followed didnt always go the same way, it moved. The first time I walked it it took me by the lake but this time it seemed to diverge in an entirely different direction that left me feeling lost and confused. It didnt help that I was almost positive someone was watching me from the bushes which, after about an hour, I got pretty fed up with.

"I'm not moving another inch until whoever it s that is following me comes out." I pronounced loudly as I stopped dead in the trail. All around me there was nothing but silence but I held my ground and stayed put knowing that if someone was to keep me from delivering the papers they would be punished by the kingdom.

"You're really stubborn." A voice growled as a certain white haired elf boy stepped out of the trees.

"Why are you following me, Theo?"  I asked confidently while on the inside I was kind of panicked to see it was him following me. Theo wasn't very tough or mean looking in appearance but he had this hostile air to him that made me sort of uncomfortable.

"Just doing my job as a civil servant of the forest and making sure you reach your destination safely." He said with his arms crossed across his chest and an obviously fake smile playing on his lips.

"That has to be a lie. What's the real reason?" I asked and Theos smile twitched before it diminished into a shallow frown.

"Its that damn dog." Theo growled. "Can't find him anywhere."

"Do you mean the werewolf from before, Ray? What does finding him have to do with following me?"

"I figured you two would be 'accidentaly' crossing paths sometime on your little trip and thought it would be best if I was here when that happened."

I cocked my head to the side in confusion while Theo growled and starred at the floor.

"I dont get it..." I said at last. "But I have a job to do so dont bother me."

I started walking back down the trail and as I did so I could hear his soft footsteps following behind me. I looked over my shoulder and our eyes met briefly before he quickly looked away with a small blush on his pale cheeks. I huffed in annoyance and ignored him as I continuede walking until I reached the small shrine. Quick as a flash, I took the papers out of my bag and placed them on the steps of the small shrine. There was a small flash of light and when I looked back the papers were gone and there was a small box in its place. I quickly took the box and put it in my bag before turning to head back down the trail but while trying to pass Theo he stopped me.

"You're not done here." He growled.

"Excuse me?" 

He pointed at the shrine.

"You need to clean it."

I looked back at the shrine and took notice of its semi dirt defiled state.

"I was never told to do that." I stated.

"Most messenger arent told but if you dont the forest god may curse you and all of your family as well." Theo said with an evil smirk that made me flinch. I looked back at the shrine and then back at the trail home before sighing loudly and walking back to the shrine where I took out an old hankerchief from my bag and attempted to quickly wipe it down. I spent what felt like hours dusting off the small structure and pulling out the small weeds that had started to grow in the cracks of the foundation. I tried to be precise and detailed in my cleaning for in reality I was actually really scared of being cursed and all the while I cleaned Theo sat on a fallen log on the trail behind me, watching my movements intently.

"Is there any water nearby?" I asked. "It would make it easier to clean."

"No." Theo lied as I could plainly hear the babble of a stream somewhere nearby behind all the trees. I sighed and grabbed my handkerchief as I wadded through the nearby trees and bushes towards the sound while Theo jumped to his feet to follow. Seconds later I stepped out into a small clearing with a small lake in the middle. I stepped towards the water but quickly stopped as I cought sight of splashing near th shore. I took a few steps closer and knelt down next to the water just as head of long blue hair emerged from the water.

"Hello again." Came the cheerful voice of a certain merman I had not yet forgotten.

"Hello Merlin." I say with a small smile.

"You remembered me? I'm so happy!" Merlin beams as he flashes a childish smile as his long tail splashes the water behind him.

"You're friends with the fish too?" Theo asks behind me with obvious disdain in his voice as he edges closer to the water. Merlin silently glares at him as he swipes his tail across the lakes surface and quickly splashes Theo, drenching the poor elf. I hold back a small giggle as Theo growls loudly as his eyes glare daggers at Merlin and I.

"Sorry about that." Merlin says with a smile as he continues to show off his tail by smacking it around in the water causing Theo to cautiously step back.

"You did that on purpose!" He hisses and Merlin fakes hurt.

"I would never. I am a gentlemen, afterall."

The two quickly start to bicker back and forth and I ignore them as I dip my piece of cloth back into the water and run back to finish cleaning off the shrine.

Merlin pov.

I'm too busy bickering with the elf boy that when I finally look up Y/n is gone.

"Y/n?" I call out as I quickly survey the shoreline of the lake.

"She went back to the shrine." The elf states blankly as he wrings some of the water out of his shirt. I feel a little bit of my heart sink as I wade a bit deeper into the water.

"Don't even think about, fish guts." Elf boy growls and I glare at him out of the corner of my eye.

"What ever do you mean?" I ask.

"I mean you got the face of a love sick puppy and there aint no use for it cause it isnt ever going to happen."

"You don't know that! Not for sure!" I hiss at him.

"Oh really." He says with a smirk as he steps over to the tree line and points into the bushes. "Y/n is right over there. You like her so much, why dont you go ahead and tell her now before she leaves." 

I stare at him with fire in my eyes as the white haired elf smirks and giggles lightly.

"Sorry." He whispers. "I forgot. You are trapped in this tiny pool. You cant go anywhere!"

I swat my tail around sending sprays of water in every direction but the damn elf is too far away to get spashed. He flashes me a sly smile and give a little wave as he struts off into the bushes and ost likely back to Y/n. I was once again alone and for the first time in a long tme I was wishing with all my heart for a pair of legs of my own. Even though I knew it would never happen, it still felt nice to dream.

Fantasy Forest (Yandere boys x reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant