19. Missing

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Ray pov.

"Let's go find Theo." I said as Y/n and I stood outside Seallys house. Y/n stared at the ground lifelessly as her mouth formed a tight line.

"What about Seally?" She asked. She was trying to sound strong but I could still hear that slight whimper in her voice.

"I'll go look for Seally after but first let's go find Theo." I said. "You want to make sure Theo is okay also, dont you?" I asked and Y/n nodded as she looked up and wiped the stray tears from her eyes.

"Which way?" She asked and I took her gently by the hand as I led her back into the forest and out of the clearing. As we walked I tried to stay focused on Seally and Theo but all my mind could think of was Y/n's hand on mine, her soft skin touching my palm. I shook my head to try to snap out of it as we stepped into the small clearing of flowers that Theo frequented and sure enough there he was sitting in the field with his back to us.

"Theo!" Y/n yelled and I felt a small twinge of pain as her hand left mine and she ran across the field to Theo whom she wrapped her arms around and buried her face in his neck. Theo sat there absolutely petrified.

"W-w-w-what?" He stuttered as I walked over and got a good look at his red cheeks.

"LET GO!" He screeched as he pulled Y/n off of his back. "Whats going on!? What's wrong with you!?"

"I'm just happy you're okay." Y/n said as she breathed out a sigh of relief.

"Why?" Theo asked.

"A body washed up down the river." I told him. "A monster body."

Theo twitched. "Who was it?" He asked.

"We dont know." Y/n said. "But we went to Seallys house and the place was trashed and there was blood..." Her voice trailed off and I started to worry that she might cry again.

"Theo can you watch Y/n for me?" I asked.


"I'm going to go look for Seally." I said.

"I want to come with you!" Y/n yelled as she tried to take on a more confident demeanor despite her shaking shoulders. I smiled and ruffled her hair.

"I would feel better if you stayed here with Theo." I said. "I wont be gone long."

Y/n opened her mouth as if to protest but then she stopped herself and groaned.

"Promise to tell me if you find anything." She said and I nodded in agreement as I ran my hands through her hair again before leaning over to whisper in Theo's ear.

"Don't let her out of your sight." I whispered and Theo nodded somewhat reluctantly as he turned his back to me and went back to picking at the flowers at his feet.

"I'll be back soon." I said as I turned and quickly left before Y/ns scared and lonely eyes could convince me to stay longer. I had to get to the bottom of this and quickly. I couldn't have Y/n worrying any longer.

Minutes later and I arrive at my destination: Merlin's lake. I stoop down to pick up the largest rock I can find and then hurl it into the water with a splash.

"MERLIN GET OUT HERE NOW YOU BASTARD!" I scream as I throw in another rock and another rock until eventually merlin breaches and swims to shore frantically with a pissed expression plastered on his face.

"You know I hate it when you do that." He seethed as he pulls back his wet hair out of his face. "What do you want?" He asks. "And where's Y/n?"

"What did you do to Seally?" I ask and Merlin looks at me confused.

"What?" He asks.

"Seally is missing, Merlin." I informed him. "His place is trashed, theres blood, and a body just washed up. What did you do?"

"I didnt do anything. I had no reason to."

"LIES!" I barked at him. "I know just how much you hated Seally. Afterall, he gave you a bogus potion, didn't he?"

Merlins eyes narrowed. "How did you know that?" He asked.

"I have my ways." I answered. There is a moment of silence as Merlin glares me down all the while his tail flicks back and forth in the water.

"I didnt do anything." He says at last. "I couldnt even if I wanted to. I'm stuck here afterall."

"If not you, then who?" I ask.

"I dont know. Who else hates Seally? I bet there are quite a few, and besides, we know he has other customers besides us. Maybe one of them did it."

"I dont need your theorizing, I need a name." I growled. "Who?"

Merlin thought it over for a second and then sighed. "I havent seen those grils in a while." He muttered.

"Who?" I asked surprised.

"Sloane and Alice." Merlin stated. "They used to come around here almost evryday but I havent seen them at all lately. Still I dont see how those two could be connected to Seally." Merlin said.

"Slaone and Alice were trying to get potions from Seally to hurt Y/n." I stated and Merlin stared at me blankly. 

"How did I not know of this?" He growled as his eyes were downcast and staring at the water. 

"If Seally refused to sell a potion to Sloane or Alice do you think those girls could get violent with him?" I asked.

"You know them better than I do. You tell me."

"I dont know... but it sure is a big coincidence that they go missing the same time as Seally."

I think it over for a second and groan as I turn on my heels to leave.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Merlin asks.

"Back to Y/n." I call back over my shoulder as I walk away. 

"What about me?"

"You just stay there and swim or something. I'll tell you if I find anything."

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