8. Rainy Days

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Rain. It was the first rainfall we had gotten all season and of course it had to fall on the day I was to go back into the forest.

"Dont forget your umbrella." My brother, Christian, tells me as he hands me the folded red umbrella. I take it gratefully as I sit on the front porch pulling on my rain boots. 

"Do you really have to go today? Can't it wait till tomorrow?" He asks as he looks out at the pouring rain and the dark cloudy sky.

"I'd rather not take the chance of upsetting the forest king." I groan as I straighten out my rain coat and pop the umbrella open. My brother gives me a concerned look as he furrows his eyebrows while gazing at the sky.

"Be careful." He mutters and I nod as I skip out into the streets. The walk to the forest is quiet which I am thankful for. The rain has driven everyone indoors so I don't have to bother with an audience watching me on my journey. 

When I make it to the forest I stop momentarily and stare at the trees. It looks so different in the rain with the leaves glowing a vibrant green and the earth wet and muddy by the excess water. I pull my bag closer to me as I take my first few steps into the forest. The path this time decided not to play tricks on me as I reached the small shrine quickly. On the small stone steps I place down my offering, just some simple flowers given to me by my mother the day before. I place the flowers down and then there is a flash of light and the flowers are gone.

"Guess I can go home now." I mumble to myself and I turn back down the trail. I make it two steps before my attention is diverted by the sound of rustling leaves to my right.  turn to look and seconds later something jumps out from the bushes tackling me to the ground. I groan as my but hits the muddy earth, no doubt soakng my jacket in mud. My umbrella is sent sailing out of my hands where it lands several feet away allowing me to now being soaked in the rain.

"What the-" I groan as I look around for whatever ran into me and my eyes land on a small water-soaked ball of black fur laying next to me. It's a small dog and judging by the size I'm guessing its still a puppy.

"What are you doing here?" I say sweetly as I pick up the small animal and cradle it in my arms. I am confused as to how something so small managed to tackle me to the floor. I could've sworn it had been bigger. The puppy flops around in my arms for a bit as it tries to resituate itself before lookng up at me. When I see its eyes I almost drop it as my whole body shakes. Those arent the eyes of a small, cute puppy. Those are the vibrant green eyes of a snake and they are staring me down. I freeze momentarily before slowly putting the dog down and standing up. All the while as I move the dog thing stares at me with unblinking eyes. I take a few steps back as I contemplate whether this animal is friend or foe. Luckily I don't have to think too long on it for seconds later a familiar face pops its way out of the trees. It's Ray.

"Seally stop running around like a crazy person!" He yells as he scoops up the small dog and holds it up by the scruff of its neck. "Now I have questions and you have to answer me! No games this time!" He scolds the dog. He hasn't noticed me yet so I clear my throat and his ears perk up as he turns to look at me. A small smile graces his lips as his eyes light up.

"Y/n, what are you doing here?" He asks as he drops the dog and comes running over to me.

"I was at the shrine." I mumble, pointing back towards the small alter. Ray looks over my shoulder and nods in understanding.

"Its been awhile. I'm happy to see you again." He says with a smile as his tail wags wildly behind him. This time I don't mention it as I look past him at the small black dog that is trying to creep away.

"Who's that?" I ask and Ray looks behind and growls.

"Don't run away Seally!" He yells as he runs back over and scoops up the dog before he has a chance to escape. The small animal wrestles around in his arms before finally giving up and falling limp as he is carried back over to me.

"This is Seally." Ray says as he holds the small animal up as if it is some kind of prize. "He's a shapeshifter ."

"Shapeshifter? Whats that?" I ask and before Ray can answer the small dog jumps out of Rays arms and lands to the floor where it immediately begins to change as its limbs and bones stretch and the black hairs fall off its body. What seconds ago had been a small dog now appears as a person, a young boy no older than twelve with shaggy black hair and pale white skin. He is dressed in black robes and is barefoot and when he turns to look at me he bears the green eyes of a snake. HIs overall appearance appears harmless and innocent but those eyes pull out an unknown fear in my and I unconsciously move to cower behind Ray.

"Nice to meet you." The boy speaks in a low and quiet voice devoid of any happiness or emotion. "My name is Seally. I am the forest witchdoctor."

"Whats a-"

"I brew medicine and potions and stuff." He says before I can finish my question.

"He's pretty good at what he does." Ray adds on. "The only problem is he is absolutely devoid of any morals of any kind."

"I do what people ask of me. Whats wrong with that?" Seally asks with a shrug.

"Whats wrong is that people can get hurt."

"I don't care much about that so long as I get paid." Seally says with what I could only assume was the faint glimmer of a smile. Ray sighs dramatically as he turns to face me again.

"I'm sorry but I have to deal with this guy." He mutters. "I'll see you around." And with that he grabs Seally by his robe and drags him off into the trees. Before they disappear from view I see Seally look back at me and flash me a sly smile that sends shivers down my spine. Then they are gone and I am left standing in the rain with my clothes soaked through by the water.

"I wonder what all that was about?" I mutter as I pick up my umbrella and continue on my way.

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