26. Out of the Woods

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Holding my breath I opened my eyes to see Merlins angry face in front of me as he held me down and shook me violently by the shoulders. I clawed at his arms but his grip was tight and I couldnt wiggle free. Just then I heard a loud, hollow splash above us and I looked up just in time to see Merlin get smacked in the face by a giant pointy rock. He let go of my shoulders and i imediatly took off kicking for the surface. When I finally got above water I looked back down to see where Merlin was but he was gone. I just barely got a glimpse of what I thought was his tail as he dissapeared into one of the underwater tunnels.

"Y/n, what the hell are you doing here?" A crude voice growled at me and I turned to see Theo standing on the shore with a large rock in his hand.

"Did you throw that?" I asked as I quickly paddled to shore.

"Yeah I did."

"Thank you so much!"


"You hit Merlin!"

"I did?" Theo looked confused.

"Don't tell me...did you do that on accident?" I asked and Theo shrugged as he threw another large rock past me and into the water.

"Fish bastard hates it when I throw shit in his little pond." Theo stated. "I just wanted to piss him off."

I breath a sigh as I climb out of the water and onto the rocks. Theo cocks an eyebrow as he looks me over thoroughly.

"What the hell happened to you?" He growls. His voice sounded mostly pissed but there was a small tinge of worry in it.

"I don't even know where to begin..." I said with a shudder as I recalled the traumatic events of the last hour.

"Speak." Theo ordered.

"Lets see..um...Ray killed Sloane and Alic and I think Merlin may have just tried to kill me."

Theo doesn't say a word in response but just silently acknowledges what I said. Wiping the water off my face, I look up at the sky which has taken on a purple-pinkish hue with the setting of the sun.

"I need to get out of these woods." I mutter as I survey the trees around us.

"I'll take you."

"You don't have to."

"I insist! Ray is dangerous and you don't know the way back."


"Don't argue with me brat!" Theo growls and I shudder as I silently nod in understanding. Theo then takes my hand and leads me out through the trees. I don't retaliate as he leads me silently down a small, unmarked trail. We don't make it very far when suddenly he stops and turns to me.

"Are you still bleeding?" He asks and we both stop to look down at my skinned knees.

"The bleeding has stopped but they are still covered in dry blood. Why?"

Theo doesn't say anything as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small, handmade stone dagger in a leather sheath. He unsheathes the blade and holds it to his arm and before I can ask what is he doing he slashes his arm with the knife. 

"What are you doing!?" I yell as I grab his arm to survey the cut. It isn't super deep but it is deep enough so that a few red drops of blood trickle down and fall onto the forest floor.

"Ray can track you by the smell of your blood." Theo states. "This will keep him off your trail as the smell of my blood will overpower yours."

"You didn't have to go so far!"

"Of course I did." Theo states matter-of-factly. "Now let's go."

He starts walking again at a brisk pace and I stumble to keep up. Slowly the sun sets above us so by the time we reach the village it is black out with only the light of the moon to illuminate the buildings and streets.

"Thanks Theo. I've got to get home now." I tell him as I give the elf a quick hug before walking away down the paved streets home but he keeps following me.

"Theo, what are you doing?" I ask.

"I'm coming home with you."


"Don't think that just because you are out of the woods that you are safe. Ray can still find you. I'm here to keep you safe so I'm coming home with you."

"But you can't! You're an elf! You can't leave the forest."

"There is no such rule. I am free to go as I please."

"But people will see that you are an elf!"

Theo shrugged as he quickly and skillfully repositioned his hair to cover his pointed ears. With his ears covered he just looked like a rather short, pale, human.

"Now no one will be able to tell. I'm not leaving so you might as well take me with you."

I open my mouth again to argue but Theo glares at me so I quickly snap it shut.

"My house is this way. Don't get lost." I say reluctantly as I start walking back down the stone streets. Theo follows one step behind me so even though I can't see him I can still hear his footsteps echoing shortly after mine. The walk to the house was tense but we finally make it and when we do there is my brother, Christian, sitting on the front porch with an anxious expression on his face.

"Y/n! Where have you been!?" He yells when he sees me as he gets up off the porch and runs over to wrap me in a hug. "I was worried sick."

"I'm sorry. Some...stuff...happened and I lost track of time."

At this point Christian lets go of me and he finally sees Theo standing behind me.

"Who is he?" Christian asks.

"I'm Theo, Y/n's friend." Theo introduces himself with the biggest, most fake looking smile I have ever seen plastered on his lips. If he was trying to appear friendly I wasn't buying it, but luckily my brother wasn't as smart at reading expressions.

"It's nice to meet you." Christian stated as he shook Theo's hand rather roughly. "It's very rare for Y/n to bring friends home."

"Well she was at my house all day and then she offered to let me spend the night here so here I am." Said Theo.

"Is that true Y/n?" Christian asked, surprised. I didn't often bring friends home and I had never brought anyone to spend the night.

I swallowed nervously. "Yep. Theo is a really good 'friend' of mine."

"Well then why don't you guys come in. Mom and Dad are spending the night at a relatives so its just the three of us." Christian said as he ushered us inside. Theo quickly skipped inside as I lagged behind. I was not looking forward to this.

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