11. Wolves

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What was I just doing? I blink rapidly as I allow my eyes to adjust to the filtered sunlight shining in through the cracks in the trees. I am sitting on the forest floor with my back to a tree and my mind in absolute shambles. 

"What just happened?" I asked myself as I rub my pounding head and try to retrace my steps. I remember entering the forest. I remember walking down the forest trail. Then there was the lake, and the monster, and then I was running but everything after that is kinda fuzzy. I can only assume that I fainted. I try to shake myself out of it as I lean back slightly and stretch out my limbs. I immediately freeze as my hand makes contact with something soft, like fur, over to my right. I slowly look over and stifle a mini gasp as I see the giant monster laying next to me. It looks like a wolf only its body is twice as big and in the places there should have been wolf limbs were instead human arms and legs attached to a human torso with rippling muscles and patchy brown fur running up its arms and down its back. It appears to be asleep but I don't take my time making sure as I practically jump to my feet and scamper off to the other side of the clearing where I then turn and look back at the monster just as it stirs and sits itself up. Its terrifying but something about it feels strangely familiar and it is that sense alone that keeps me from running off.

The monster wolf sits up fully and looks over at me before making a small noise sort of like a huff as it stretches its arms and shoulders, showing off its massive muscles. I pick up the nearest branch on hold it protectively in front of myself, like a simple stick would really do me any good, as the wolf rises to its feet, growling slightly. When it starts to walk closer to me I panic and scream at it.


The monster immediately freezes in place, stiffening up slightly. It lets out a low and rumbling growl as it quickly stalks closer and, before I can even think to run, it is already in front of me. In one fluid motion it grabs the stick from my hand and tosses it aside before grabbing a tight hold of my arm. I whimper softly as the wolf brings its face closer to mine, breathing in my scent before growling angrily. At this point my heart has taken just about as much as it can and I am just about to try to flee when the monster grabs me by the waist and throws me over its shoulder where it holds me there tightly. I shake and cry as I claw at the arm holding me and pound at the wolfs hairy back.

"PUT ME DOWN! LET ME GO!" I scream and the wolf snarls angrily causing me to immediately freeze and become silent. I swear that wolf is glaring at me but deep beneath those piercing yellow eyes I can also sense some sort of sorrow. Either way the wolf is showing no intention of putting me down or letting me go as it takes off running through the forest with me screaming bloody murder on its shoulder. I close my eyes tightly and pray that my death will be a quick one. Meanwhile in the back of my head and I think about my brother Christian. He warned me this would happen. He warned me about the monsters of the forest and did I listen? No. Now I can only hope I will live long enough to see him one more time and tell him he was right.

With my eyes closed tightly I don't even realize that the wolf had stopped moving until my position is shifted and I am gently lowered back to the ground. I peak one eye open and look around me to see that I am standing in the midst of a large meadow with a small house laid out in the center of it but the house isn't ordinary or in any way nice. It seems to be made of all kinds of thrown together scrap wood and metal and is put together in such a way that it gives the impression that it could fall apart at any minute.

"What is this place?" I mutter to myself half in fear and half in curiosity at the strange, yet somehow peaceful, atmosphere. The wolf man sort of huffs again as it takes me by the arm and drags me into the house. The door opens and inside are all sorts of oddities, shelves covered in colored bottles full of glowing liquids and huge writing desks covered in leather bound books and paper scrolls. In the corner of the room, away from everything else, is a red couch on which a young boy with thick black hair sits sipping from a teacup. When we enter the room he looks up from his cup and I jump slightly as his snake green eyes fall on me.

"Hello dear." He chimes as he attempts to feign a smile but it appears so unnatural on his face that he quickly gives up and goes back to his usual expressionless gaze.

"Seally? W-what are you doing here?" I ask, still slightly shaking as the wolf still has a hold on my arm.

"Why wouldn't I be here? It's my house." He says as he takes another sip from his cup. It is at this point that the wolf lets go of me and storms over to Seally whom he hovers over threateningly while giving off all sorts of angry growls and snarls.

"I won't deny it." Seally mutters as he looks up at the wolf who, while standing, is nearly twice his size. "So what do you want me to do about it?"

The wolf barks and growls again as it points a hairy finger back towards me.

"Fine. Fine." Seally sighs. "You go get elf boy and I'll work on your antidote." He says. The wolf seems pleased with Seallys answer as he lets out an approving huff before turning around and running past me out of the house and back into the woods where he disspaeras behind the tree line. I kind of wish the wold hadnt left because now I am alone with Seally who, lets face it, isnt the most welcoming presence.

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