Breath away from victory

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Kol dragged his body over beside the pit. Once he did he fished in his pocket for a match. Throwing in the pit he felt the breeze of a powerful fire hit his face.

"Let's do this,"he mumbled to himself. He said his next words loud and clear.



We knew Kol was planning something against us. And we knew we should've been so quick to trust Savitar. But the story was unraveling quicker then we could process and we were running out of time. None of us would have expected what happened next if we hadn't planned it.

"If you haven't noticed yet I'm linked to Kol. Well I was when you were trapped. He was willing to spare all of you. But then Caitlin told him about what Winter did and well he gave in,"Savitar explained.

"Gave in to what,"asked Iris.

"To the demons,"I finished. Of course he gave in to them.

Savitar silently agreed and Cisco gave me an confused look.

"How do you know that?"

"Because the same demon virus he was infected with while he was trapped inside of Winters mind. Infected me to,"I rolled up my sleeve to reveal the mark on my arm.

It looked almost like a tattoo but much more intimidating.

Caitlin took my hand into hers examining my marked wrist.

"Why didn't you tell me,"she said frantically.

"I didn't want you to worry,"I gave her a look of sympathy.

"Huh, well you did a damn great job,"she laughed humorlessly. If things go according to Kol's plan then I wouldn't make it through the night. I don't care what happens to me, with being a hero I've made peace with sacrificing for the greater good. But with Caitlin, I just feel like our relationship is over before it really even started.

"Barry you know what he has to do to cross,"Savitar cut in.

"Fine...if he wants to get across that border so bad we'll get him across the border."


"When we get through the breach anything goes. Remember that Kol is now in his own body and even more powerful then before. Don't underestimate him,"Barry told his team just before they walked off leaving the room with only him and Caitlin.

Caitlin was seated looking blankly at the lab monitors.

"Baby,"he started but was immediately cut off by Caitlin abrupt,"Don't."

He sighed he could visibly see her losing it.

"How they hell do you think I'm supposed to feel knowing my boyfriend is going to hell,"She snapped.

"Caitlin, I was going to tell you I promise you I was but, I didn't want you to worry. You already had so much on your plate with Frost and the Team."

Caitlin stood from her chair and got in his bubble,"I freaking love you. And this whole experience has only made me realized that more. I lost you once Barry, I won't do it again."

Her Other Half{•COMPLETED•}(EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now