Light show

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"What the hell do you mean we're not getting our powers back we have cites to protect,"Cisco ranted.

"If I'm going to be strong enough to fight through the transition I'm going to need extra energy and unless you have energy like that lying around I think I'll be keeping them."

"Actually we do,"Harry replied just as nonchalant as ever.

It dawn on Barry,"The Tachyon Enhancement." 

"That's right."

Kol smirked over at Barry and Barry's face went sour he knew that already didn't he.


"You guys have been trapped here from quite some time now and I believe it's time for you to go home,"Barry told them.

"This fight is not over yet Barry we can still help you,"Oliver insisted.

"The less people we bring into this battle as possible the less casualties it'll be. You know more than anyone how ruthless Kol can be,"Barry whispered.

"How are you going to beat him when he can read you guys mind,"Oliver asked.

"Leave that up to me."

"The only thing I've seen so far that can kill a Wraith is your frost. If you can freeze him then they rest of the plan should be smooth sailing."

"What if I can't do it,"she had just gotten her power back what if she was rusty.

"I know you can do it. I would've have chose you if I didn't believe in you,"he told her and she gave him a smile.

"Guys I can feel her. She isn't too far from here."

"Then what the hell are we waiting for let's go get Frost back,"Barry announced to the team.

Once the room had cleared out and Kol and Barry were the only ones left in the room Barry gave him a look.

"Your up to something."

"Barry what could I possibly be up to the plan is going accordingly."

"If you screw us Kol I'll-."

"Kill me...come on Barry I think you'd know by now that you can't kill a god."

We'll see about that.


Barry sped in front of the pair just as Frost froze a Wraith. Oh no what was she doing with him.

The rest of team Flash and Kol jumped out of a breach.

"Your too late Barry,"He said in that strained voice of his.

"Frost what are you doing,"Caitlin spoke up from behind Barry.

"Caitlin,"Frost smiled but she didn't move from her spot.

Savitar flipped a lever to the Speed Gun and Frost threw out a sheet of ice that blocked their path.

Caitlin flinched at the jab of pain she felt in her gut.

"I'm sorry guys. But I can't let you stop this."

"Why are you doing this,"Barry asked again.

Frost smiled up at Savitar who was already feeling the affects of the machine,"It's what I have to do."

"Then we have to stop you."

Kol and Barry smashed through the ice.

Frost charged at Kol and Savitar and Barry zipped off somewhere.

"Stop! Don't hurt her,"Caitlin yelled to Kol and he stopped abruptly.

"Caity...please I have to help him."

"Why does this mean so much to you,"Caitlin questioned. Frost gave her a look and it dawned on Caitlin.

"Because it's the right thing to do,"she responded. Caitlin had never seen so much emotion of Frost's face.

"Fine, if you really believe that then I do to,"Caitlin hugged the women. As they hug they became one.


"Who the hell are you,"Barry screamed.

Savitar stopped and crouched so he could get out of his suit.

When he stood Barry took a step back. Savitar smirked,"I am the future Flash."



Her Other Half{•COMPLETED•}(EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now