Maybe is not enough 🌸

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Caitlin had her work cut out for her. Between trying to help her badly injured friends with coping without their powers, helping the team make this device for the freaking wonder twins, playing along with their mind games for Barry's sake, and trying to find a way to snap Frost out of her Winter induced coma(another thing she had learned from Barry). It's all getting to be quite stressful.

"Usually in these situation I'd have you or Barry to talk to,"she chuckled to herself, wiping  Frost's face down with a damp towel.

She was even more pale then normal and it pained Caitlin to know she couldn't do anything for her,"I'm sorry I didn't see it before. What an awful sister I am,"she teased.

Then she set the water and towel aside to run a comb through her equally as pale locks,"Seriously though, in many ways you've become the sister I never had. I won't lose you now that I finally found you."

If it wasn't completely clear Caitlin was gonna do whatever it took to ensure that Barry's plan went accordingly. And that started with breaking the hold Winter had on Frost. This was one thing Barry didn't go into grave detail about, she would assume because most of his knowledge came from Kol and this act was purely done by Winter.

How was she gonna do this?

"Why does she want you?" Caitlin attention was directed to Frost's cell phone, she had kept it charged. She was unsure of why, it just seemed like the right thing to do and now as she stared at the caller ID things were slowly piecing themselves together.


Caitlin knew how to blend in, being constantly put in and out of danger pushes you to learn how to fight your way out of harms way. Though, to the red eyed meta she stood out like a sore thumb. He traced his money absentmindedly as he watched her make her way over, it wasn't like he was exactly easy to miss either.

He smirked gently but it was clear he was a bit disappointed. She felt bad, Frost had promised she'd be the one to come see him. And she didn't doubt that if all of this hadn't happened she would've.

"You look like a women on a mission,"he spoke when she didn't.

"Are you Asin?"

He narrowed his eyes,"Do you even have to ask? I'm sure you know everything you need to know through Frost. Even if not directly,"he shrugged,"Just tell me why your here."

"I need your help."

"Listen I don't know about what Frost's has been telling you or not telling you but I'm not a hero. I don't save people."

"So you use your powers for money, drugs, and power,"she folded her arms and leaned back on her heels. He chuckled, curls bouncing about,"We can't all be good guys."

"Not everyone has to be a hero to do the right thing. Hey, maybe you aren't a savior of the people but you sure as hell would save her,"it caught his attention if the stall in counting the green paper was any indication.


Team Legends and Team Arrow were camping out on the ship tonight. Felicity stayed put, apparently Oliver could wake up at any giving second. Caitlin wasn't so sure if it was okay for the woman to be alone with Oliver. The last time he came back from the dead it wasn't pretty. No telling what damage Kol could've caused him, he was dead for a lot longer than she was.

She took that as opportunity enough to sneak Asin into the lab, the cameras were easily avoidable if she knew which ones to turn off. They were by Frost's bedside in no time, Caitlin didn't miss the sadness in Asin's eyes as he passed a hand through her hair.

"I knew she was pale before but, she doesn't even look real,"he pressed his fingers to her skin, it wasn't as cold as it used to be and somehow that was more worrying. "Do you think you can get us inside her head?"

"Don't worry too much about the getting inside part. This 'Winter' person seems like a pretty big deal, and if she's personally attacking Frost she isn't just gonna let her go easily. Doing this could risk us possibly getting stuck."

"Stuck? As in?"

"As in we'll eventually end up dying," he shrugged as if it meant nothing, "Not to worry though, your one of the good guys. Hope, determination, and purpose are what drives you. And for Frost, it's what'll drive me to." He smiled brightly his eyes closing in delight. "So what do ya say, Caitlin?"

She took the hand offered out to her, "Let's do it."

As she waited for a new feeling to wash over her she thought back to Barry's message. Could she make sure his plan is reenacted the right way, or would she succumb to the first obstacle?


Her Other Half{•COMPLETED•}(EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now