I'm Upset 🌸

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"You know I like you...you put up a good fight but please let's just end this before I have to do something you'll regret," Barry circled her.

"What have you done to Barry?" Frost asked fearlessly.

"I haven't done anything to him...yet. Mr. Allen is locked away right up here," she watched this imposter in Barry's body tap his head.

"Better question then who are you?"

"I'm afraid that much a can not tell you. All in due time though."

"You're here for Winter, right? Then why are you sitting here talking to me."

"Because Killer Frost, I've already won." Just like that he was gone, leaving Frost trapped where she thought was reality.

He rounded the corner to the "meta cell block" he brought up Winter placing his hand on the palm scanner.

"Took you long enough," she smirked laying against the comfy floor.

"Mr. Allen is a little more resilient than I thought, though it is why I chose him after all."

"Barry stop," a voice called to him.

"Just stop," Caitlin said again.

"Let me think about that. No."

"We didn't want to do this Barry but-," Oliver swung at Barry who easily caught his fist in his pam and slung the older man into the wall. Black veins coursing up to his neck and over his cheek to reach his eyes.

"I'll take that," he flicked his wrist and the pistol in Joe's hand went flying into his, "Thanks for this by the way, I always wanted to feel the power of a man-made weapon." He then pulled the trigger, Sara screamed as the bullet pierced her kneecap blowing her to the floor.

"I have to say I'm impressed."

A chuckle rose from Barry, his head drawn back and lips parted in amusement.

He offered his arm out to Winter which she gladly took, slowly they ascended the path made for them.

"We're not going to let them just leave are we?," Professor Stein asked.

"No, we are not," Jax grabbed his hand merging with him.

Winter dropped Barry's arm when Jessie came skating around the corner just to go fumbling on ice. She slid right into Barrys who caught her by her throat and slammed her on her back. The electricity cracklig behind her eyes fizzling out.

"Jessie!, "Harry shouted. Wally failed to deliver the element of surprise when Barry crouched down sending the young man over his back, "Ugh, Speedsters."

Winter threw up a wall of ice around the duo which was forcefully crumpled by a blast of energy, Jax grabbed Winter from behind, "Think I could warm that cold heart of yours?"

"Honey you can try, "she reeled her head back and kicked him in his chest. Barry patted the fire head on the shoulder with a smirk, "Sit this one out bud."

Stunning both Stien and Jax when they separated,"What the hell?"

"Jackson?,"Stein looked down at his hands in then up at Barry who was snapping his fingers to ignite the fire at the tip of his nail.

Cisco shot another blast at Barry who dodged it,"Nothing personal kid,"he said as he jumped through the portal of his own making.

Cisco snatched his glasses off,"Holy."

"Barry stop!"

Felicity, Caitlin, and Oliver came rushing to block them off.

Winter began charging at them,"Wait."

She threw a confused look over her shoulder and Barry smiled,"I got this one."

"Get on your knees now!,"Oliver yelled, pulling at the string of the bow.

"Oliver, what are you doing?,"Caitlin questioned.

"I have to say Oliver you are making a grave mistake,"he whispered.


In a blinding flash of lightening Oliver was on the ground his neck positioned awkwardly and his body limp.


Caitlin gasped, her eyes filling with tears as she looked up at the man caressing her cheek. With the same hands he had just killed Oliver with,"Barry?"

"Oh love, I told you that's not my name."

She dropped to her knees beside Oliver to comfort the screaming Felicity. He was right, he wasn't her Barry.


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