Never-Ending 🌸

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Barry awoke with a jump, sweat coated his forehead, and a pit carved its way through his gut.

"Kol!," Barry shouted. He didn't know what he was thinking, when it was Kol's turn to play he never spoke to Barry. He was trapped in his own body, one that he could feel growing weaker and weaker by the minute. Kol was constantly using his speed to slow whatever was causing these black veins coursing up his arms.

Barry closed his eyes for a split-second and when they reopened, he was in his and Iris's old loaf.

"What the hell?" he mumbled, looking around at the scene.

There were candles everywhere, directing him down a path that he followed sketchily.

"Iris," he called. The candles blew out filling his nose with a smoky fume. He hastily turned back, the loft now completely quiet if you didn't count the heavy panting, and the guttural cry as the huge shadow figure knocked him back into the wall.

Barry found himself bursting through the doors to STAR Labs. The crackle of lightning trailing him slacked up causing him to trip over his own feet. "Oh no, no not now," he whispered to himself. Kol was using too much energy, he was gonna weigh them both down.

Hurriedly he crammed himself under the small compartment in the corner of the main hall, the booming footsteps were impossible to miss as they drew closer to him. Okay Barry, time to think, he thought.

He was no help to any of his friends if he was dead. Could he even die in here? He wasn't so sure he wanted to find out.

Winter laughed, "You know I would've thought this team be a lot harder to crack. Throw in a few ultimatums here and there and you just play right into our hands."  

Kol didn't seem all too confident with there deal though.

"What's your game?"

"You read minds, "Caitlin shrugged.

He admired her, he really did. It surprised him that Barry wasn't yelling at him to leave her alone, he knew what it meant. It means the plan isn't going quite as fast as he hoped and the plague is spreading.

"You wanna talk to Barry," he mumbled. She stood her ground, "I'll tell you what. I'll let you do just that."

Caitlin frowned slightly.

"Unfortunately for you, you have to be dead," as he said that Cisco shouted a cry and Iris screamed as Caitlin's body went limp in his arms.

Royalty 🐙

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