The Things We Do 🌸

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Caitlin yelped in surprise as a blur of yellow lightening rammed into the wall at superhuman speed.

"That's one way to start the morning," Frost smirked.

"It's almost seven in the afternoon," Cisco reminded her.

"Why exactly are we running into walls?, "Cait asked Cisco, watching Iris help Barry off the floor.

"Allen can't control his speed," Julian answered before Barry got the chance. Barry rolled his eyes in response.

"How long has this been happening?" she walked up to him wanting a direct answer.

"Caitlin I'm fine, things have just been a little out of wack since the incident with the bank robber," he answered gulping down a bottle of water like it was the last sip on earth.

"And you're just now telling me this?"

"I didn't think it would get like this," he pouted trying to make Caitlin a little less angry with him.
Caitlin ignored his antics per usual,  instead focusing on making him better. Barry would always find himself in trouble as long as she was there to bail him out.

She stepped closer to Barry and he poorly contained his smile. "What are you doing?" the faint glow of his eyes was mildly concerning.

She took a step back then forward again getting the same result."When I get near you, you're eyes glow," she stated, none of them knew what to do with that knowledge but, it was always good to put everything on the table.

"Well I'll be damned," Frost crossed her arms in fascination.

"I'm going to have to run some test," she hastily grabbed her tablet just for Barry to take it from her.

"Caitlin I do believe we should get going if we want to make our reservation," Julian piped in.

"Oh, Julian," Caitlin wrinkled her nose, "this might be dangerous if not tended to-."

"Go," Barry commanded.


"You heard me, I'll be fine. I'm sitting in STAR Labs with some of the greatest masterminds in the whole city, go have fun," Barry threw her a gentle smile, running his palm over her side.

Of course, Barry didn't actually think Julian was good enough for Caitlin but if he made her happy that was all that mattered. She of all people deserved to be happy.


"Caitlin, you look wonderful," Julian smiled as she settled down at the table.

"Thank you," her brown eyes sparkled in the dim lighting. "I already ordered some wine if that's okay with you," he gestured to her glass. Caitlin thanked him with a polite grin.

"This is fancy," she complimented.

"Were you expecting any less."
She was actually, expecting a lot less. She didn't know if that was because of what her gut was suddenly screaming at her or Killer Frost's constant need to remind her why she said yes to this date.

Her Other Half{•COMPLETED•}(EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now