Started With A Bang 🌸

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"Hey, Cait do you have a sample of the suspects blood it doesn't match anything in CCPD's database?," He looked down at the sitting figure.

"One step ahead of you I couldn't get anything off of the victims body but I did manage to find out something about our killer. The reason we can't identify him is because he vibrates at a different frequency."

"He's from another Earth,"Barry sighed. The dam of evil meta's had long since burst and they were struggling trying to mop them all back up. He lifted his head from the desk and glance her way.

"What's wrong?," He smirked at her knowingly.

"What...," she said in a high pitch voice indicating she had been caught.

"Nothing!," She forced a smile her eyes twinkling in false reassurance.

"I've known you for three years Caitlin I think I would know when something is wrong,"He rested his elbow on his arm.

"It's just that, Killer Frost hasn't made any moves to be freed again, and what happens if I'm not strong enough to will her away. I don't know what I'd do if I wound up hurting someone,"her voice was dripping in worry. Not that he could blame her, if he were in her shoes he'd probably be worse.

"Maybe instead of fighting her, try embracing her,"wide eyes went even wider and he sighed,"She is you isn't she? If anyone can get her to see the error of her ways it'll be you."

"Besides, you know I'd never let anything happen to you, right?"

She smiled her hands making purchase on his elbows and tugging him closer in a hug. She would put him on the same wavelength as a hypothermic teddy bear.

The meta-alert silence their moment. Without hesitation he pulled Caitlin to her feet and over to where he deemed was safe.

"Barry there's a meta in the breach room get your ass down here now!, "Cisco's voice could be heard from the intercom.

"Didn't we send him to Earth-16 with Gispy," Joe held his gun up, Iris standing with her own built gun by Cisco.

"She handled him a long time ago this must be a doppelganger," Cisco held his arms out prepared to let him have it.

"Hmm?," Abra Kadabra,"I gotta say this is shaping up to be fun,"he humored them with his cards, Barry shot forward but in the end wasn't able to catch him in time.

Dammit, how could he have let him get the drop on him again? "I don't get it. Why would Abra Kadabra come here of all placings it doesn't make any since,"said Iris lowering her gun. True, usually he'd be somewhere robbing a bank.

In the next room, he heard shouts and bodies thumping to the ground. He sped into the room watching as Julian pulled Caitlin from under a fallen piece of rubble.

"Aaaah," came a soft whimper his head snapped to the sound seeing Caitlin had a piece of the fallen rubble in her side.

Two minutes later.

Barry and Wally lifted Caitlin onto the hospital bed.

Her pained whimpers clearer now that she was stretched out on the bed.

Her Other Half{•COMPLETED•}(EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now