Broken Doll House 🌸

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Forgive me for which my mind is not my own.


I'm losing something I never thought I would want, my powers.


I'm dying.

1 month earlier

"Alright Frost, you know what to do right? "Iris's voice cut in over the com set.

The woman smirked, "Kick some Zombie ass of course."

"Keep it alive will you, we need it for the vaccine."

"Oh, but Iris, killing is in the name," the pale, barely skinned version of the once woman stumbled into a cry. "I-It's disgusting."

"Just hit it, "Caitlin yelled in her head and she rolled her eyes. "Get your panties out of that bunch Caity, "effortlessly she threw her arms out, spraying dagger in its direction. It barely noticed the sharp blade piercing its flesh and continued to rush at her.

"This is so not how I pictured my day going," she pouted as she marched to fill the remaining space between them and smashed its head into her knee.


"Success is assured," Stein patted Jax on the shoulder as they arrived.

"Is that all of them?" Iris asked the teams who were arriving one by one.

"Just about, we're waiting for on Sara and Barry," said Oliver.

Barry slushily rounded up the lot of undead creatures in the abandoned parking lot, foolishly leaving one behind. He struggled against the last man, pushing at his forehead to avoid his snapping jaws. It's moaning was briefly cut off by Sara foot connecting to its cheek, she then stomped on its head the mushy insides coating her white pants and boots.

Barry heaved heavily, trying to catch his struggling breath.

"I know I just ruin a pair of kicks for you Allen but save the pants for your girl," she smirked. Barry wheezed his way through a laughed which soon turned into a dry cough.

"Hey! Are you okay?"

"I'm...fine," he took in a breath and stood to his full height, "Though Cait isn't gonna be too happy when she finds out we lost one."

Sara punched his shoulder, "Saved your ass didn't I."


"Finally you two are back, was starting to worry, "Felicity gave Barry and side hug.

"Nope, Central City is halfway to being safe and sound. For a couple of days anyway."

"Then I say we get to work on making sure nothing like this ever happens again, in any timeline, "Ray nodded and they started to go their separate ways.

Caitlin might have been too busy with helping out to notice but Frost had all the time in the world to see the way Barry sagged. He swiped a bead of sweat from his forehead and snuck out of the cortex while everyone was working.

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