How long can you hold onto hope 🌸

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He had his speed for all of three years, in that time this wasn't the first time his speed was brutally ripped away from him. Though, it was the first time where he had to go through it completely and utterly alone. It wasn't fair, Kol always knew what he was thinking but Barry couldn't hear his thoughts.

There has to be a loophole in all of this, he never thought he say this again but, he can't keep running forever.

Shakily he grabbed his bleeding leg to examine it better, he didn't have to be a doctor to know that it was definitely bad. It's messy.  With the bone twisted weirdly,  there's no way he's leaving this floor any time soon.

He groaned as he pushed his injured shoulder out of his over-shirt and tore it to wrap around the wound. As he sat on the cold floor he could help but let his mind wander to his girlfriend. Caitlin. If she was here right now she wouldn't let him hear the end of this. He didn't know the outcome of all this, but he wished he would've shown he loved her a little more.

Just as he blinked a horrid image filled the gaps of black. Barry's hand shot up to cup his mouth, what had he done? Because it's was him after all, he was weak and let Kol take over his body. And now, Caitlin was dead.

"Kol! You bastard, what did you do?!"

It didn't occur to him that his yelling would attract the beast, not that he could bring himself to care. What was he running for anyway? After all, the only thing he had truly been fighting to return to was...

"Caitlin...forgive me," he mumbled shakily, biting down on his hand to muffle his cries. "Forgive you? What for?"

He turned so fast she could've sworn he wasn't injured. He pounced on her, going to wrap his arms around her middle. She smiled as she ran her hand through his hair, doing her best to ease his shaking. "What are you doing here? I thought...I-I saw?"

"Kol said it was the only way for me to come see you. Though he didn't give me much choice in the matter," she said.

"There's gotta be a way to get you back home. You can't stay here it's dangerous."

"I don't care that I'm dead Barry if that's what it takes to be with you then I'm fine with it," she told him and he shook his head. Pushing himself up from the floor and bracing himself against the wall, he guided her over to it and sighed,"He can bring you back."


"I saw him do it before, he brought someone back from the dead. This power he has, its dark Caitlin and being trapped in here is only fueling my body with even more of his darkness."

"So he wasn't lying, he can bring Oliver back. He was probably only using him as leverage anyway,"she thought over it,"Wait? What darkness?"

An abrupt clash of broken glass bursting through the room sent both Caitlin and Barry hurdling into the corner. Barry winced as the makeshift bandage on his legs colored itself red.

"Man that hurts."

"What the hell is that?!"

"I think that's the darkness."

"What do we do?,"she stared up at the fast approaching figure with wide eyes.

Barry sprung to his feet as fast as he could to grab the nearest and heaviest thing he could carry, smashing it into the demons face and quickly pulling Caitlin to her feet when it faltered in step. "Run!"

Her Other Half{•COMPLETED•}(EDITING)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu