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"Caitlin I think I found something that might help you-,"Kol paused when he saw the blood leaking from the women's arm on to the desk.

"Caitlin,"he took long strides over to her, tapping her cheeks lightly and she stirred awake.

"Barry,"she sighed out happily,"my love your here."

"Not quite kid,"he waved a hand over her her arm watching as it healed. She bolted up and away from him.

"What the hell happened to you,"he asked but even deep down he already had a feeling.

"Winter happened. Kol I think your sister might be the key to all of our problems."

"What are you talking about?"

"She knows where your body is. I just know it. Hell she might even know where the gate doors are and how to open them."

Kol shook his head, no if Winter knew all this stuff she would have told him right.

"She wanted me to bleed out painful and slow. And all because I asked her if she knew anything about where your body was buried. I don't think she's on your side Kol.

"You shut your mouth. Winter is loyal. She would never turn her back on me."

"I know you don't wanna hear this Kol but, I don't think your sister wants you to go back to your Earth."

He stood abruptly and Caitlin flinched prepares for anything.
"Your right I don't want to hear that.

He struck a hand trough her heart. She gasped, but soon realized she didn't feel any pain. She felt herself fading,fading,fading until she was gone.


Caitlin took in a sharp breath bolting upright.

"Where the hell are we," Caitlin crocked.

"This is where Barry is," he answers wiping the blood from his nose.

"What's wrong with you," she asked staring at his bloody nose and hole forming in his head.

"I'm a God Caitlin the longer I stay out of my own body the weaker I become. Barry was just a vessel but it's not going to be enough. It's why I took your powers. To make this last longer but we're running out of time,"Kol explained.

"Then what'll happened to Barry,"she questioned.

"See for yourself,"he held out a hand to her.
Just as she was about to take his hand a sound startled her and Kol paled even more then usual.

"What is that sound," Caitlin asked.

"You the saying everyone has demons. Well I can't explain to you have true that is. Everyone does have demons and they're here."

Kol focused on something across the hall,"Depends on how screwed in the head you are what demons you see,"he murmured.

"Which one do you see," she looked around not seeing anything.

He swallowed looking up at the gigantic monstrous demon, drool slowly dripped down his fangs mouth in which were stained with blood and sharp, he had quite a muscular body covered in black scales which made his demonic red eyes pop.

Her Other Half{•COMPLETED•}(EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now