No More Punishments!

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"Sal come on, we're getting married in 3 months!" Kassi whined into the phone.

"Come on Kas!" Sal begged, "We need one good punishment for him and this will be perfect to wrap up the season."

"You guys used me for a punishment before." Kassi argued.

"So you can't do it again?" Sal countered, "Just listen to the idea and if you really don't like it then we can think of something else." Sal then went on to explain the punishment they had in mind for Kassi's fiancé. Once he was finished Kassi hated to admit it but she found it hysterical.

"You know he's gonna flip out, he specifically said he didn't want me involved in the show anymore." Kassi reminded him.

"Does that mean you'll do it?" Sal asked getting excited.

"Let me talk to my boss and see what I can do, I'll call you later tonight." Kassi said.

Less than a week later and the plan was in motion. Kassi was in her new office waiting for the IJ crew to arrive. It was a surprise punishment for Brian that he knew nothing about which meant that the crew had to be extra sneaky. Cameras and mics had to be hidden even more than usual since Brian would notice them otherwise. Kassi also wouldn't have an earpiece in this time since Brian would most likely spot it so she was nervous since she was going in blind.

Her boss at the hotel was over the moon when Kassi had asked if they could film there since it would be even more publicity for the hotel. While the crew was outside of Kassi's office setting up, the Jokers and couple other writers were busy coaching Kassi on how they wanted this to play out.

Brian was completely oblivious today and thought it was a spur of the moment day off so after dropping the kids off at school he went home to write his new edition of Metro, which he was very excited about. Kassi was actually joking with him last night that if he had to choose between Metro and getting married he would choose his new comic book venture. Kassi had already set the plan into motion when she texted him asking if he wanted to meet her for lunch today since he wasn't filming. He accepted and was planning on picking her up at her office in a couple hours.

"But I'm really not gonna have you guys telling me what to do?" Kassi asked Cha nervously.

"You'll be fine baby. You know the plan" Cha reassured her.

"Just give me an earpiece, I'll just put my hair down so he won't see it." She said.

"Can't risk it Kas, if he sees it he'll know right away. I promise, it will all go as planned. The actors know what to do and you know your role in all this." Cha said. She was then called over the radio and had to get upstairs where all the equipment and crew would be. They also had the monitors set up there where Joe, Sal, and Murr would be watching.

11am and Brian was surprisingly right on time. "Hey Champ." Brian said knocking on Kassi's opened door.

"Hi babe!" She smiled getting up to give her man a kiss pushing aside her feeling of guilt for what he was about to be put through.

Upstairs the guys were explaining what was happening to the audience. "So today is gonna be a bit different." Murray laughed.

"So Q's our loser and we have a surprise punishment planned and we need Q's soon to be bride to help us out." Joe went on to explain.

"Q thinks that we cancelled shooting today so he thinks he's taking Kassi out for lunch." Sal explained more, "Its also important to know that Kassi has no ear piece in since Q would probably see it, so it's up to her to keep this going." Sal then turned to Joe, "So wait if this fails, we can blame her right?"

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