The Last Night??

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Opening his eyes, Brian peeked down to see Kassi still sound asleep against his chest. With her being such a sound sleeper it was easy to slip out of bed and quietly get dressed then head down stairs. He left a note on the kitchen counter:

Good morning beautiful,
You looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake you. Stay put, I just had to run a quick errand. I'll be back with coffee.
Xo- Brian

Today was Kassi's last full day in New York and she would be leaving tomorrow to go home. The restaurant had been officially opened for two weeks and John was confident that their help was no longer needed. He started up his jeep and pulled out of the driveway when his phone rang; he hoped it wasn't Kassi. He was going to be gone for at least an hour and didn't want her questioning where he was going. Sighing in relief he answered, "Hey Ma" he answered.
"Good morning sweet heart. Just checking to see how you were doing today." She responded.

Brian rolled his eyes and smiled to himself. 40 years old and she was still so worried about him. Carol Quinn knew today was the last full day Kassi was in New York and she was worried how her son was dealing with it. She was the first girl he cared about deeply in years and of course she lives miles away. Now that his parents were back from vacation after the grand opening, his mother had insisted on her coming to the house for a big family Sunday dinner. The whole afternoon Brian watched this girl interact with his parents, brothers, sister in law, and nieces and nephews.
Kassi had jumped right in helping his mom in the kitchen, talked to his nieces about their first year in high school, and laughed at all his dad's stupid jokes.

"I'm fine mom. She has to go home, we knew this day was coming. Nothing I can do about it." Brian answered.
"I know that but it doesn't make it any easier on the both of you. I see the way you look at each other Brian, there are true feelings there." His mother said hoping to push her son to make a move.
Brian shook his head in frustration as he stopped at a red light. "Look Ma, I'm driving I shouldn't be on the phone. I'll call you later. Love you." Brian said rushing his mother off the phone. This was the last thing he wanted to hear right now.

After a 45 minute trip  over the bridge and into the city, Brian finally reached his destination to SoHo Gems. Walking in he was greeted by Tony, a friend's dad that owned the store. "Morning Tony." He greeted shaking the older man's hand.
"Q, how are you?" Tony ask.
"Is it ready?" Brian asked cutting to the chase before his nerves got the better of him.
"It is." Tony answered with a soft smile, "I must say, this is quite an unusual gift. All my years in the business, I've never seen anything like this."
"It's for a very special person." Brian said sadly. If this was all for nothing he would be so crushed.
When Brian had returned home he walked into his house smelling of bacon, garlic home fries, omelets, and blueberry waffles. He placed her coffee on the counter and took a second to admire this sight one final time. Kassi in one of his oversized T-shirt's and nothing else cooking him breakfast. It was such a "couple thing" it was so normal. It was something he wished would last forever. Kassi could feel eyes on her and turned around from the sink, "Good morning creepy." She laughed.
Brian snapped out of his thoughts and walked over to her, "Just admiring the view." He said spanking her ass. "You didn't have to go all out; we aren't gonna eat all this." He said looking over the feast she had prepared.
"It's okay, I like cooking for you." She said passing him a plate.
Inside her head Kassi was having a battle that she had been fighting for weeks. Even though she missed her kids more than anything she just couldn't bear the idea of leaving this man. She refused to talk about it and did her best to pretend to be strong.
Unfortunately they wouldn't be spending the whole day together like she had hoped. Apparently Brian had to go and film a punishment for Sal that had been scheduled for months but he assured her it was going to be a quick shoot and it would only take a couple hours. He had invited her to come to set with him but she told him there were last minute things at the restaurant she wanted to take care of before....well you know; when she went to say the words she got choked up and couldn't finish the sentence.
Of course things never go as planned and because Sal was afraid of everything it took him way longer to go through with his punishment than anyone had expected. Everyone on set was getting very annoyed with him but no one was more annoyed than Brian. He was supposed to get on a trash barge to find his hidden phone and flat out refused to get on it. Finally Brian had enough and with cameras rolling he basically pushed him on, "Look man, I have very important plans tonight and I know you know what I'm talking about. So for once stop being such a chicken shit and get on there!" Brian hollered at him. Sal knew exactly what his friend was talking about and after one more deep breath took his punishment like a man. He texted Kassi during the punishment apologizing for being so late and said he would see her for dinner.
It was 4:30 and Melissa and Lisa seemed more excited for Kassi date than Kassi did. They were both dying to know where he was taking her; he didn't give her any information expect to dress up because he was going to make this the most romantic night of her life, or at least he hoped it would be.
It wasn't that Kassi wasn't excited because she was but she knew once the night ended, it would be the end of her and Brian. It was what they had agreed on and he never let on that he had changed his mind. She ran back to her hotel room to shower and get dressed.
While she was gone Brian walked in looking so gorgeous in his grey suit with a white shirt and baby pink tie, Kassi's favorite color.
Both girls let out a sexy whistle, "Well well well look at you Quinn." Lisa smiled.
Brian laughed uncomfortably at the comment, he wasn't used to dressing up so fancy but again for Kassi he would do anything.
"Where's my girl at?" He asked.
"Went back to the hotel to get ready, she should be back any minute. She left awhile ago. You okay?" Melissa asked, "You seem a little on edge."
"I'm fine, just a lot on my mind." He replied.
"Want a beer while you wait for your date?" Melissa winked at him. They were so cute together and she felt awful they couldn't be together after tonight.
Brian thought for a minute, "Make it a Jameson." He needed something to calm his nerves.
He chatted with the girls as he waited and sipped his drink. His eyes got a certain sparkle to them when he saw her enter the room. She was stunning in a long pale yellow dress. It had a high sexy slit up the side that showed off her sun kissed legs. It took Brian a second to catch his breath, he had never seen any woman look so beautiful.
Lisa and Melissa were quiet as they at the two look at one another. It was breaking both of their hearts that they had to separate tomorrow. When Melissa worked for Sal years ago, she would see Brian come in and get drunk day in and day out. He was such a nice guy but due to the depression he was in, for a very long time he was a wreck. Lisa of course having known Kassi for so long had seen her go through her divorce and fight her own demons. The two definitely were the happiest when they were together.
Brian immediately got up walking to his gorgeous woman, "You look beautiful." He said admiring her and holding her close to him.
"You don't look so bad yourself Quinn." She smiled up at his biting her lip. That was definitely an understatement. He was more like a straight up sex god in this suit. She liked him just the way he was all the time but she knew he hated dressing up so the fact that he did this all for her tonight was amazing. She could tell he had even trimmed up his beard and looked more clean cut than she had ever seen him. This was the first time Kassi had ever been with a man with facial hair and she quickly learned to love it. The feeling of it when he leaned in and kissed her cheek or how it rubbed against her most intimate area when he was pleasing her was just another thing she was going to miss about him.
"Ready to head out?" He asked placing his hand on the small of her back.
They both said goodbye to the two women and headed outside. As Kassi started to make her way across the street to the lot Brian usually parked but was pulled back onto the curb has she stepped off bumping back into his chest.
"We're actually going about a block up, if that's alright." He said motioning to the left with a head nod.
"Oh okay!" She said excited for this surprise. Brian had given her no hints to where they were going.
"Think you can make it champ?" He teased staring down at her feet in high white polka dot pumps.
"You can always carry me if I get tired." She said stopping to bite his earlobe.
Brian let out a low sexy growl, "That will come later once I get you all liquored up."

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