Fairy Tales Are Real?

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Kassi woke up with kisses all over her neck. She then felt wet kisses and a rough beard traveling down to her breasts. Glancing out the window she noticed it wasn't even light outside, it must have been so early but she didn't care. Even with being exhausted from putting in so many hours at work and taking care of three kids, she knew after this man was done with her body it would all be worth it.

"Mmm..." she moaned as he sucked on her breasts, "Good morning." She said in almost a growl.

Brian moved his hand down her body and removed her pajama shorts. Kassi jumped when she felt him insert fingers into her. Brian smiled as he inched his way down her body kissing every spot of skin, "I am so lucky." He then took a second to admire her naked pussy, "So fucking lucky baby." He repeated.

Kassi wiggled with impatience, "Brian please." She whined.

He raised up and kissed her mouth again, "My girl ready?" Kassi couldn't take it anymore and reached down to start rubbing her clit. "Ah ah ah." Brian scolded pulling her hand away, "Mine." And before Kassi could object he was back down attacking her core with his tongue.

"Jesus Brian!" She exclaimed reaching down to grab his hair. Since being back together over the past month they certainly were having fun sneaking around and making up for loss time with wild sex. Their entire relationship before, Brian always had longer hair that Kassi would grab and pull on when he would be pleasing her, sometimes she would reach down and forget there was not as much to grab anymore. So now her new thing was to hold his head in place and grind herself in his face. It was one of Brian's favorite things and always turned him on even more than he already was.

Brian was giving Kassi everything he had and licked and sucked at her clit driving her to madness. It had been a little over a month since they returned from the Bahamas and they were doing their best to keep their reunion on the down-low. Of course it didn't take long for the adults in their lives to figure it out and for the most part they were okay with that but they hadn't told the kids. So on nights like this when Brian was in town for his usual visits with London he would wait for her to fall asleep and slip out quietly to find Kassi. Sometimes they would curl up on the couch and watch a movie, sometimes they would make a fire in the yard but the outcome would always end the same, sneaking upstairs to Kassi's room and banging each other's brains out.

Sunshine snuck through the window waking up Kassi. She felt warm strong arms wrapped around her and rolled over careful not to wake him. Taking advantage of him being asleep, she looked him over. His hair was certainly a little grayer than when she first meant him and small wrinkles were forming at his eyes but he was hotter than ever. She loved this man with her entire being and prayed that this time it would work.

Suddenly she was startled by her bedroom doorknob jiggling, "Mommy!" A little voice called out on the other side of her door, "Mommy whats for breakfast?"

"Shit!" Kassi exclaimed in panic, "Umm..London baby give Mommy a minute!" She shouted looking for a t-shirt on the floor to throw on.

"Brian!" She whispered shaking him, "Get up! London's outside the door!"

Brian was starting to come to and stretched his arms above his head, "Huh?" He asked trying to shake his sleepiness. Last thing he remembered was not being able to keep his hands off Kassi and waking her up early this morning for a good time. They must have fallen back asleep.

"Did you hear me?!" She yelled at him, "London's looking for...." and before she could finish her sentence the little girl opened her mom's door.

"Daddy?" London asked confused on why her daddy was in bed with her mommy, "Why are you in here?"

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