Black Tie

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Kassi checked herself in the mirror for what must have been the 10th time in two minutes. Tonight was a dinner at a high end New York restaurant with the The Jokers and some investors in the restaurant. John decided a sleek fancy restaurant high above the New York  skyline would impress these investors. He insisted on her coming along to help smooze them. Her uncle has been dragging her to stuff like this since she was 19 years old, she knew exactly how to impress people like this. Old guys with lots of money they were looking to blow. Her job was to show up, look nice, smile, and talk up the new project.
She has settled on a black cocktail dress that rested above the knee and showed a reasonable amount of cleavage. Completed with a sexy pair of black pumps she was satisfied that she looked the perfect amount of classy and sexy; exactly what investors wanted to see. Kassi applied the finishing touches to her makeup as her mind wandered to Brian. She enjoyed their short talk the other morning and really enjoyed how interested he seemed when she  mentioned that she was no longer married. The way he would just stare at her was something she just couldn't get out of her head. They hadn't really talked much since that morning; he didn't really talk to her when his friend were around.

So far the evening was going just as planned. Kassi made sure to stay by her uncle, smile, and laugh at all the stupid jokes the investors made. It took everything in her not to roll her eyes at them. As dinner was being served she outlined the business proposal her and John had come up with. They seemed happy with it and Kassi was convinced all of them would invest in the Joker's new bar. Kassi quickly tried to finish her dinner; her job was done and she couldn't wait to get out of there.
After basically inhaling her food she wished everyone goodbye and hightailed it out of there. Making her way down to the main floor of the restaurant she noticed a small bar in the corner. She was surprised for New York how empty it was with only one couple at the very end. It had been nonstop since she started in New York so she decided to reward herself with a strong drink before heading back to her hotel and going to bed.
"Can I have a vodka martini, very dry please?" She asked the bartender.
After a few sips she felt him even before she saw him.
"Didn't peg you as a martini drinker." A deep voice said behind her.
Kassi tried to hide her grin so she didn't turn around, "Oh really?" She answered in a soft sensual voice, " Exactly what did you peg me for?"
Taking a seat next to her, Brian smirked that sexy smile that Kassi hadn't been able to get out of her head. "I don't know, maybe like a fruity girly drink kinda chick." He winked.
" Well then Brian, you don't know me very well." She stated tipping her glass and finishing its contents.
"You don't call me Q." He said smiling.
" Sorry" Kassi apologized, " Didn't know you wanted me to."
"No,no!" He said putting his hands up in defense, "I like that you don't." Truth was he loved that she didn't. After starting the show, any girl he met called him Q. He knew that was a red flag whenever he started talking to a woman. They were just interested in the "TV Q" not the real Brian Quinn. "One more?" He asked pointing to her now empty glass.
Kassi thought for a second, her plan was only one but... "Sure" She answered simply but not being able to control her smile. Brian ordered her another martini and himself a beer.
"Everyone still upstairs?" She asked as the bartender set their drinks in front of them.
Brian nodded yes as he took a swig from his beer. "Not really my kinda crowd up there. You not being there gave me no reason to stay."
Kassi felt her cheeks get hot. Brian Quinn was definitely a flirt and one smooth other words...dangerous.
"You did great up there though." Brian complimented. "You really know everything about this business."
Kassi smiled at the compliment but felt she had to explain her role tonight " Well thank you I appreciate that. But tonight was honestly just about kissing ass." She laughed before taking a sip of her drink. "That's the main reason John has me meet investors, old guys that most likely haven't seen a pair of tits in 20 years...enter Kassi." She said raising her glass.

Brian almost spit out his beer from laughing so hard. "Well you certainly do that well too." He said hoping that wasn't over the line.

Kassi felt her body go hot again at his comment. She shock the thought of Brian's hands on them and smiled up at him, "You clean up pretty well yourself." This was the first time she had seen him in something that wasn't a T-shirt. In black dress pants with a white button down and loose fitted black tie, he looked like a sexy bad boy dressed up. Kassi couldn't help it but before she could stop herself she bit her lip taking in the sight of him.  God does he have to be so hot?! She thought to herself.
Brian could feel how badly they wanted each other but he promised himself and his friends he wouldn't pursue her. "So what the fuck am I doing here??" Brian was yelling in his head. But he couldn't move, he needed to be close to this girl, and no one was around right now to stop him. He figured whatever happened happened. "So... how are your kids?" He asked. Normally Brain Quinn wouldn't ask a question like this but for some odd reason he was interested. In fact he got the feeling he was interested in everything she was interested in.

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