My Hands Only

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Kassi had woken up every morning during the past week with such a smile on her face. After enjoying drinks by the water and a heated makeout session, Brian had walked her back to the hotel. As they were standing in front of her door she wanted to desperately to invite him in but he didn't make a move so she decided against it in fear of embarrassment, rejection, or just looking like a slut. He had texted her the morning after apologizing that he and the guys wouldn't be around for the next several days as they had appearances on the west coast promoting the new season. He felt awful since he knew she was staying in New York and not seeing her kids. Kassi had insisted that he shouldn't feel bad and thanked him for a great night.

Her uncle John had finally arrived back the following week from Vegas and the two were in the middle of a meeting over coffee. She was updating him on all the construction which had been going on around the clock. Everything was finally starting to come together. Major construction was complete now it was just decorating and minor details before it was officially "Tenderloins; The Impractical Jokers Bar and Grille". After much going back and forth via email with the four guys, they finally decided to name it after their original group name. It took much debating with the network since they were big investors in the bar and demanded that Impractical Jokers be included in the title. 

Kassi's stomach was doing backflips the entire time she was talking to her uncle because Brian and the other guys were set to arrive any minute to check out everything. They both turned when they heard commotion from behind them. Walking in the front door we're Joe, Sal, James, and... Kassi did her best to keep it together when she saw that wavy dark haired man that had been invading her thoughts non stop for days on end. "Good morning gentlemen!" John said greeting all four men with a handshake.
"Holy crap! This place sure looks different." Murray stated taking a look around. All four men seemed impressed with what they saw. It was no longer a gutted space. It was now an impressive 4,900 square foot restaurant with two bars, massive state of the art kitchen, stage complete with brand new sound system, and VIP rooms on the second floor for events. The smell of paint was still strong in the air since the painters were still finishing up on the blue and yellow walls as the Jokers had requested.
"Guys want a tour?" Kassi asked trying her hardest to not lock eyes with Brian. She remembered what he said about his friends not knowing about them so she was trying to not blush whenever he looked her way.
"Absolutely!" Joe spoke up for the group.

Kassi took the guys throughout the place explaining about all the new stuff that had been added. Kassi started up the stairs, "and if you wanna follow me up here, we have 7 private VIP rooms. She led the way into the first room, "John shut the door behind you." She instructed when everyone was inside. "And with the flip of this switch..." Kassi said as she turned on a light switch, "the glass becomes tinted."
"Woah!" Sal was the first to exclaim, "Seriously?! That's fucking cool, how'd you come up with that?" He asked.
"You like it? Oh good! Figured that if you guys were using the space for events and didn't wanna be bothered it would be perfect. Of course cameras will be installed for safety but as far as anyone walking by, you can see out but they can't see in." She smiles feeling so happy that everyone seemed to be pleased with all the work she put it.
"It's amazing, Kassi. Honestly great work!" Joe praised pulling her in for a half hug. "We can't thank you enough."
"Thank you but I'm just getting started!" She smiles to the group, "This is such a fun project but you guys aren't off the hook. In the mood for a little homework?" She asked as she flipped the switch shutting off the tint and making her way downstairs.

Kassi,John,and the Jokers had been sitting around the blueprints to the building that outlined the entire restaurant for sometime now. John and Kassi thought it would be a great idea and draw in even more fans if they could see some actual props and costumes from the show over the years. The Jokers were going to talk to their producers and come up with some great stuff to have on display around the bar. It was nearing lunchtime when they finished up and Kassi's stomach was quietly growling under the table. She and Brian hadn't spoken a word to each other which was putting her on edge, she knew he didn't want his friends to get upset with him but this was boarder line ridiculous.  He kept shooting her looks when he thought no one was paying attention but that was about it.

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