Secrets Do Make Friends...and 20 Bucks

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"Alright so spill, hows New York?" Mia asked downing her 3rd mimosa. Her and Kassi had a chance to slip away for breakfast just the two of them to catch up.

"New York is good." She answered.

"But..." Mia asked.

"Nothing, New York is good, honest." Kassi smiled but not one that Mia was convinced with.

"Yup...umm nice try, not buying it. What's wrong? How long have we known each other?" Mia asked.

Kassi laughed at the comment, "Since like birth." She thought for a second on how to explain how she was feeling, "I mean I've always known he works a lot and travels a lot, I get that part. But it's just rough, sometimes I feel like I don't have my own life in New York. Especially on the weekends when the boys are back with their dad. Then it's me and London and half the time she's talking about missing Brian. Like sometimes I feel like I actually saw him more when we lived far apart. At least then we made the effort."

"Have you talked to him about it?" Mia asked taking a bite from their cheese and fruit plate that had been sitting out a tad too long at this point.

"Don't want to push the issue, it's his job. I don't wanna stress him out." She said.

"Do you guys ever have 'you' time?" Mia asked.

"He tries but sometimes he's just so tired. Between traveling or if he's not traveling he's shooting for 12 hours a day. That's why I'm so pumped about getting my own thing going." Kassi explained.

"Oh yeah! How's that going?" Mia jumped in.

"Slow but I had a meeting with the Park Plaza and they seemed to really like my work. Their old event coordinator quit so they said they would like to offer me a few smaller events to see if I can handle bigger ones that come along."

"That's great!" Mia congratulated. "I know you'll find your nitch in New York."

"I hope so." Then she got this goofy smile on her face, "I mean I know it sounds super corny but waking up next to Brian all the time is just amazing. I just feel like we waited so long for this."

"You guys deserve this. The kids too." Mia smiled. "Boys adjusting okay?"

"Oh yeah, they are fine. The second they saw their rooms, they said it felt like home. And London, oh my god, she is like a different kid now that she lives with her dad." Kassi smiled talking about her life in New York. It really was so much better.

"Can I tell you a secret?" Mia asked with a sly smile on her face. Kassi raised her eyebrows as a way of asking her to go on. "Roger and I finally decided to start trying for a baby.

Kassi squealed in delight, "Shut up!! Yes, finally!!" Roger and Mia had been married for almost 10 years but always put their careers first. They always had Kassi's kids to borrow and dote over but they were born to be parents to their own kids.

As expected Kassi hadn't seen Brian or the other guys much. She had their family and friends to keep her company but it was a little frustrating being on the same ship as him and not seeing him too much. However it was fun letting loose with the girls. Every now and then a tray of drinks would get sent over at whatever bar they happened to be at with a note from one of the guys reminding them they were being thought of and missed.
On the third day of the cruise, they were docking for the whole night at one of the islands. Unfortunately the guys had no time to explore the island themselves because they were staying behind with the crew and cast of the movie to go over stuff. The entire time they were off on the island, it was driving Kassi crazy thinking of that girl, Dani, so close to Brian without her able to keep an eye on her. Luckily she hadn't seen much of her over the past few days but just the thought of her in Atlanta with Brian was very unsettling. She wasn't getting the best vibes when it came to her.

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