With an H

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Couple weeks had passed and the bar was coming along great. Everything was finished and all that was left was hiring the staff and getting them trained. That was what was on the agenda today, everyone would be arriving soon to hold interviews for the staff. Kassi sat in the far corner booth of the coffee shop across the street sorting through resumes she had approved for interviews. Before she could react there was a warm feeling coming over her thanks to a certain gorgeous dark haired man as he came up from behind her showering her face and neck with soft kisses. The Tenderloins had been back on the road for the past 4 days so the only interaction the two had had was either over the phone or a couple late night Skype sessions that got a little naughty but it was nothing like the real thing. "Good morning beautiful." He whispered against her earlobe as he sucked it into his mouth. "Mmm.. good morning." She said closing her eyes enjoying what was happening, "How was your trip in last night?"
"It was okay, flight got delayed later than I thought or else I would have swung by." He answered finally removing himself from her flesh and taking a seat across from her stealing a huge bite of her coffee cake muffin.
"Hey!" She exclaimed noticing he just stole half of her breakfast.
"I'll make it up to you later." He answered still chewing with a sexy wink causing Kassi to giggle and blush.

Hour later and Kassi,John, and the Jokers were situated in a restaurant down the street to hold the interviews. It was Kassi's idea to withhold the name of the actual restaurant in the job posting to avoid crazy fans who would show up just to meet the Jokers. After spending more and more time with Brian, it was clear they had very intense fans sometimes. Kassi still hadn't told John about her seeing Brian; she didn't think they were going to be serious after the summer ended so to her it wasn't worth pissing her uncle off. Her and Brian had finally had a talk right before he left for his recent trip about where they stood. They were in agreement that long distance was just something neither of them wanted so they were going to enjoy their summer together but unfortunately it wasn't going to go any further than that. Kassi didn't know how she was going to give him up but it wasn't like she had a choice in the matter; her home was with her kids.
By early afternoon everyone was going crossed eyed between looking over resumes and shaking so many peoples' hands. Of course germaphobe Sal had a huge bottle of hand sanitizer by his side. There was some they liked and some that everyone could be in agreement were an absolute no. The next girl in was a super bubbly bleach blonde girl with giant fake boobs named Kaylah, "Hi!" She shouted in a super high pitched voice that was going right through Kassi's skull. "I'm Kaylah with an H!"
Kassi rolled her eyes, "Well hello Kaylah with an H." Kassi greeted sarcastically. "Why don't you tell us a little about your background to start off."
Kaylah went on and on for about 15 minutes about all the places she worked and all the great references they would get if they called them all. Kassi and John stole a quick glance to one another, someone working at so many different places was always a red flag to them. This chick was rubbing Kassi the wrong way and she couldn't put her finger on it until she saw it...Kaylah reached over brushing her hand across Brian's hand looking him up and down licking her injection filled lips, "and I promise I do anything my employer asks of me, you can count on it."
Kassi had to remind herself to take deep breaths before she reached over the table and knocked this girl's teeth out. The other jokers picked up on the awkwardness right away and noticed the fire that was building in Kassi's eyes. Brian was doing his best to avoid eye contact with this girl and pulled his hand away with an awkward laugh. He tried to get Kassi to look at him but her gaze was set on this girl and it didn't look friendly.
Kassi's last straw was when Kaylah with a fucking H leaned forward and brushed her ridiculously fake boobs across Brian's hand that was resting on the table edge. "Alright!" She hollered, "I think we've all seen enough of you. If we're interested we'll call you." She snapped.
Kaylah was taken aback that she was being cut off like this, "Well wait.." she interrupted, "I wasn't done yet."
"Thank you!" Kassi snapped again, shooting a look that definitely got her point across, "Doors over there." She pointed. Everyone else in the room was dumbfounded as they watched Kaylah pick up pocketbook, flip her hair, and head out.
"Un-fucking-believable." Kassi said shaking her head in disbelief.
"I actually think she may work." John said to his niece.
"Of course you would.." Kassi said throwing down her folder to the table making a loud thud, "Come on John, seriously give me a break! Anything to argue with me, I swear."

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