Dinner and...Dessert?

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Brian triple checked all the kids life vests before allowing them off the benches. He bent down in front of Tommy, "Are you absolutely sure about this buddy? Because it's not too late, we can go do something else."

"No I wanna do it and so does everyone else." The little boy answered. "You be right next to me?" He asked wrapping his arms around Q.

Brian's heart melted, "I'll be with you the whole time." He smiled hugging him back.

Today was the day before the wedding and the last free day before chaos erupted tomorrow. Everyone decided to do something as a group and since Tommy had such a traumatic day yesterday, they decided he should pick what everyone did. Brian was absolutely stunned when he said he wanted to go swimming with the dolphins. He figured the last place that kid would want to be was near water but he insisted. Brian was actually pretty proud of him, he couldn't believe this was the same kid that was scared of the firehouse pole so many years ago when he first met him. After talking Kassi down off a ledge and convincing her that Tommy would be just fine, it was decided.

Everyone was having a blast in the pool with the dolphins. London thought it was hysterical every time one would come up and kiss her on the cheek. As promised, Brian stayed right by Tommy's side and it gave the little boy the reassurance he needed to enjoy himself. Kassi took a moment to look on as her youngest son held onto Brian never letting go.

Carol noticed and looked on at the pair as well. She gave Kassi a loving look that only a mother can give, "You have no idea how much those boys mean to him." She smiled and then walked away.

"Yes I do." She said quietly to herself. Brian was a fantastic father to their daughter but even before London was born he was amazing to her sons. They worshipped him and even though they never said anything, when their mom broke up with Brian, they were never the same.

Everyone headed back to the pool for lunch before breaking off and going their own ways. Jimmy and his soon to be wife had more wedding stuff to do but Carol had insisted everyone have lunch first. She was so excited to have every member of her immediate family all on vacation together.

Once lunch was finished, the kids had been eyeing a playground with splash pads and little water slides so Brian and Kassi took all the younger kids over. From where Brian's parents and brothers were sitting they could see perfectly and everyone had the exact same thing on their mind, how carefree and happy Kassi and Brian looked together. They were exchanging looks that maybe this was it, finally they were back on the same page.

Down at the splash pads, Brian had his eye on this huge bucket that when it filled up with water would dumped down onto everyone. Kassi had thought she was funny yesterday at the beach when she had pushed Brian into the waves and knocked him down so all morning Brian had been waiting for an opportunity to get her back. She had her eyes on the kids and was just about to walk away to dry off when Brian called her over to him. He grabbed her tight and started tickling her from behind making her yell out for him to stop. Brian looked above him one more time and just when the bucket was about to tip he moved her a tad and jumped out of the way.

Kassi had no time to move and was shocked when suddenly so much water came pouring down on her head. Brian saw the look of confusion and fright on her face and had to hold onto the barrier wall because he was laughing so hard. Brian's family along with all the kids saw what happened as well and everyone was laughing at Brian's trick.

"You think you're real funny Quinn?!" Kassi walked over completely drenched trying to hide her amusement. When they were together Brian was always doing stuff like this to her and she absolutely loved being teased by him. The kids came running up and circled around them laughing at their mom. "Q that was awesome!" Austin shouted high-fiving him.

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