Rainy Day

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Brian woke up in the morning with the sun beaming right through the curtains of Kassi's hotel room. He glanced down and smiled at the women resting on his bare chest; he couldn't stop thinking at how gorgeous she was. When he showed up to her room she was dressed for bed, hair not done, and not a stitch of makeup and she still looked unbelievable. Leaning down he lightly kissed her temple hoping that he didn't wake her but not being able to resist kissing her. He started to drift back to sleep when he felt her start to stir. "Good morning." He whispered against the top of her head placing another kiss there.
Kassi couldn't remember the last time she woke up so content, "Mmm.." she moaned against his chest stretching out, "Good morning" she said back with a lazy smile on her face. "Guess I can skip the gym today, with a workout like that." She giggled against his naked chest, "That was amazing last night."

"Mmm...right back at ya. What you say we make this morning even better?" Brian asked as he slid his hand down her body reaching around to cup her ass. He showered her neck with kissing and tiny bites as she moaned in pleasure. Just as she was about to climb on top of him and begin their second round her eyes drifted to the clock resting on the nightstand that red 8:07, "oh my god!" She panicked, "I'm late!" She shrieked jumping out of bed.  Brian sat up and couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of Kassi scrambling around her hotel room. "I was supposed to open the door for the designers at 7:30!" She called out from the bathroom. Throwing on pair of Jean shorts and tank top she came out brushing her teeth fumbling around trying to locate a matching pair of sandals. Brian noticed her phone on the nightstand next to the clock, "It's dead." He said handing it to her.
Retreating back to the bathroom to spit and rinse the toothpaste from her mouth, she was scared to even turn it on; she was sure there were very pissed off messages from her uncle by now after he found out she wasn't there.
"Forgot to plug it in last night after someone distracted me." She said as she grabbed her purse to make sure her room key was in there. Brian then got on all fours crawling to the edge of the bed towards Kassi, "Are you saying you didn't enjoy yourself?" He pouted.
Kassi raised her eyebrow seductively, "Pretty sure that's not what I said." She answered smiling taking a minute to lean over and place a kiss to his lips, "You're just a bad influence."

"Mmm.." Brian moaned into her kiss getting up on his knees trying to pull her down, "Well if you're already late..." he said continuing to kiss her. Coming to her sensing, Kassi realized if she wanted to keep her skin she needed to leave pronto. "Down boy!" She said playfully pushing him down on the bed, "Stay as long as you want, will I see you later?" She asked heading for the door.
"Absolutely." Brian answered with a wink.
It was much later in the afternoon and Kassi was still licking her wounds from the major ass chewing she received from her uncle. She had to make up this big lie about her charger breaking and not knowing her phone didn't charge overnight. Her uncle had given her a very strange look that she couldn't figure out until she had walked passed a mirror later and noticed 4 hickeys  scattered across her neck.

Kassi was finishing up in the office finalizing the budget when a knock startled her, "Hey gorgeous girl." Brian said poking his head in. Guys had just finished up a challenge in the park where they had to ask strangers to help them bury weird objects. It was the first time they had done it and everyone on set thought it was hilarious. After he was cleared to go he booked it straight here. "Oh hey there." Kassi said trying to mask a smile, she should be mad about the marks on her neck but if she was being honestly every time she thought about it, it only brought her mind back to last night and there was nothing to be mad about.
"How was your day?" He asked leaning against the wall crossing his arms over his chest. "Hope you didn't get in too much trouble."
Kassi stood up moving closer to Brian, "Oh you know, nothing I can't handle...except getting some very strange looks from people because of these" She exclaimed lifting her neck up a bit to give Brian a better look.
Once he say his work from last night, a giant grin appeared across his face, "Sorry, guess I got a little carried away. Couldn't help it." He responded then grabbed underneath her chin with both hands and repeated his assault on her neck. "Do you have any idea how hard it was to focus today?" He whispered.
Kassi wrapped her arms around Brian's neck tugging at the long shaggy hair. Everything about this man was sexy and made her loss all self control. "Are you done for the day?" He asked between kisses.
"I am." She answered tipping her head back giving him even more access. At this point she didn't care if her entire neck was covered, it was a sign that Brian was there.
"Good, come with me. I wanna take you somewhere." Brian demanded. Kassi was starting to believe there wasn't anything he would say that she wouldn't agree to but before she could answer, a loud knock came on the other side of the door. "Hello! Why isn't the door opening?' Kassandra Marie, you in there?!" Her Uncle John's voice bellowed on the other side. "Shit!" Kassi muttered under her breath, pulling Brian back away from the door.
The door flew open and once John saw who was keeping his goddaughter company, it didn't take long for him to piece two and two together. "What you guys doing in here?" He asked.
"Nothing!" They repeated in unison.
" I was just checking in with Kassi, seeing how thing were going. Brian added.
Desperate to get out of this awkward situation Kassi interrupted, " Yup I told him everything was going great. Look I'm all set here, all you gotta do is lock up." She said to her uncle and headed for the door.
Couple minutes later Brian met her outside of the building, "That was close, you think he heard anything?" She asked.
Brian smiled a sexy smile towards her, "I don't know, I mean...you're certainly not the most quiet when you're turned on." He growled pulling her in for another kiss.
"Shut up!" She laughed shoving him backwards against the building behind him.
"Trust me I'm not complaining. Its recently become my new favorite sound." He responded.
"Can we go before John comes out?!" She said rather nervously. She wasn't sure how John would feel about this entire situation and today wasn't the day that she wanted to find out.
Brian took Kassi by the hand leading her across the street to a parking lot, "Come on I wanna take you somewhere."
Kassi was a little surprised when he stopped at a motorcycle and not his Jeep. "This yours?" She asked.
"Sure is." He smiled as he handed her a helmet to put on. Brian buckled his into place and swung his leg over to sit on the bike. "Ready?" He asked when he noticed she hadn't put her helmet on or gotten on yet.
"Umm... I'm not too sure. Maybe we can get together another day. I'm suddenly not feeling too well." She explained trying to hand the helmet back.
"Kassi, you're not scared are you?" He asked.
"Umm.. well... kinda." She answered sadly looking down to the ground.
"Hey..."He said lifting her chin up to look at him, "I wouldn't let anything happen to you, you know that right?"
"I know, I've just never been on one before." She explained.
"You trust me?" He asked.
"Yes." She responded sincerely.
Brian smiled placing the helmet on her head, "Then get ready for some fun."
Boy was Brian right, once they hit the highway and Brian really sped up, Kassi was smiling and squealing in delight. She held on tight to Brian's back and loved the feel of his muscles underneath his shirt. He was a cautious driver but certainly handled the bike with such confidence. Just when she thought he couldn't get any sexier he kept surprising her.
Brian has only 2 more exits until the one he had to take when a loud boom of thunder startled both of them. 'Little rain never hurt anyone' Brian thought until the sky completely opened up and it began to downpour. He knew he couldn't ride in this type of weather so unfortunately at the next overpass he has no choice but to pull over. Embarrassment took over and he turned to Kassi expecting her to be upset, any other girl he dated would have been but not this one.
All she did was laugh and look down at her soaked clothes, "Wouldn't you check the weather!" She said bursting out laughing.
" I thought it was supposed to be nice tonight!" He laughed back, "I am so sorry!"
"Now what do we do?" She asked.
"Just wait out the storm until it at least stops down pouring. I can ride in the rain, just not this bad." He explained.
"It's okay" she assured him leaning into him so he knew she wasn't upset. If anything she found it to be the cherry on top of this crazy day. As he wrapped his arms around her he pulled her in close, not wanting her to catch cold. Being close to him, feeling his strong arms around her was too much for Kassi and before either one could think they were kissing hard on the side of the road. She leaned against the bike for support and that's when Brian lifted her up a bit so she was sitting in the side of it. It was like whenever she was around this man her body and mind were not on the same page because without even thinking she started to fumble with Brian's belt buckle. At first he was a little shocked but didn't want to stop so decided to let her continue with whatever she had planned. She slipped her hand into his pants and began stroking him hard. Brian bent his head back enjoying everything he was feeling "Holy shit, you're fucking insane." He growled in frustration. All the things he wanted to do right there and then if they weren't on the side of a fucking highway. Kassi locked eyes with him giving him the sexiest look he had ever seen, "I want you Brian." She whispered in his ear as she continued pumping his cock in his pants.
"Oh fuck it!" He finally yelled as he unbuttoned her shorts pulling them down below her hips. Looking around one last time to make sure no one was around, he then lifted Kassi up resting her on the bike, positioned himself between her legs and entered her. He made sure he had his arms wrapped around her tight so she wouldn't fall and then proceeded to fuck her hard and fast on the side of the highway as cars passed by.
Kassi's breathing was starting to get deep and heavy which told Brian she was close to exploding, "This is so fucking crazy." She laughed against him... "But so fucking amazing." He finished that sentence for her.
"Oh my god Brian, I'm cumming so hard for you!" She yelled biting down on his shoulder to keep quiet.
"Oh baby oh baby...yes yes!" Brian moaned quickly pulling out of her before release came for him.
Once the two had composed themselves and buttoned up, Brian grabbed at his shoulder where he could feel teeth marks, "Looks like I'm not the only one that bites." He smiled.
"I'm sorry!" She apologized feeling embarrassed, "I was trying to keep quiet."
"Are you crazy?! Don't apologize, I think it's hot." He winked. "Rains let up a bit,should we head back?"
Kassi bit her lip trying to figure out what this man was doing to her. She just had sex on the side of a highway for Christ Sakes! "Lead the way Quinn." She said climbing on the bike and grabbing on tight again.

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