Make up??

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"She's fucking pregnant!" Brian was screaming into his phone. He had pulled over into an abandoned parking lot and called a person that tended to call a lot during hard times, his TESD cohost Bryan.

"Sagie, please go in your room and play for a little while." Bryan said to his daughter who was being pretty loud at the moment. "Who's pregnant?"
Brian rolled his eyes, "Kassi! Who the fuck you think!" He shouted. Then the line went silent. "Hello, you there?" Brian said pulling the phone away from his ear for a second to make sure the call didn't drop.

"Yeah, I'm here sorry just took me a second to process." On the other end of the phone, Bryan Johnson was at his house in New Jersey completely floored. "Telling me you didn't wrap your shit dude?" He asked.
"She told me she was on birth control so we stopped being careful when she was still in New York. I can't fucking believe this, what am I gonna do?!" Brian said resting his head against the steering wheel.

"Okay, first of all you're a grown ass man, you know the consequences of having unprotected sex so you need to get over that part. Second of all where are you?" Bryan asked his friend still trying to process the idea of Brian Quinn being a dad.
"I don't know, sitting in my car somewhere near her house." He answered.
"And where is she?" Bryan asked.
"At her house." Brian answered.
"Don't tell me you had a typical Q freak out and stormed off leaving that poor girl by herself, whatta you a fucking asshole?!" Bryan barked at his friend.
"How could she go and get pregnant!? I can't be a fucking father Bryan!" He yelled back.
"She got pregnant because you put your dick inside of her without a goddamn condom, that's how!" Bryan loved his friend dearly but the one thing in this world he couldn't stand was a deadbeat dad. No one ever believed he would make a good father but Sage was his entire life. "I had a major drug addiction when I found out Sage was coming. You think I was ready?! But guess what you man up and take care of your responsibilities now! You figure out how to be a father."

For the first time in the last hour, when his entire world changed, Brian stopped and listened. He listened to his older and wiser friend's words. He was right, 11 years ago Bryan wasn't ready to be a dad, especially to a child with Downs Syndrome, but he was one of the best fathers he had ever seen. The joy in his face when he tells a story about his daughter or the way he would absolutely kill for her was something that maybe wouldn't be so bad having. He knew deep down Kassi hadn't gotten pregnant on purpose; he said that out of anger.
He let out a huge sigh, "I'm a fucking idiot, the things I said to her. She's never gonna forgive me man."
"Go fix this. The girl loves you and I have never seen you happier. It's all gonna be fine as long as you control that fucking temper and don't do anything else stupid. Oh and Quinn..." Bryan said before hanging up.
"Yeah?" Brian asked.
" Congratulations bro."
Kassi had cried enough, she was a strong woman and even though she was confused, angry, and heartbroken she knew she was going to get through this. As she laid on the couch flipping through stations she couldn't help but think of the nastiness in Brian's words. They had only just started dating so they never really talked about having kids of their own together. As she was lost in her thoughts she didn't even hear him walk into the living room.
Brian cleared his throat a little to make his presence known to her. Kassi looked up and rolled her eyes, "Yeah, what do you want. Come to yell at me some more?" She snapped as she rolled over on the couch turning her back to him.
"I deserve that." He said hanging his head in embarrassment. "I was in shock, I still am I guess."
"So that gives you the right to say those things to me!?" She snapped at him, "You basically accused me of trapping you with a baby. Look I have two kids of my own, you really think this was in my plan?!"
"That was wrong. I reacted like an asshole, I shouldn't have said any of those things to you. I know you wouldn't do that. I'm sor..." he began to apologize but was cut of instantly.
"I will raise this baby with or without you Brian, today I saw a side of you that I don't like." She barked at him now throwing the blanket off of herself and jumping to her feet.
Brain followed her actions and got to his feet as well, "Woah woah, who said I didn't want to be involved?"
Kassi who was on her way up the stairs spun around getting right in Brian's face, "The Brian I saw, the one who stormed out of her screaming at me like a crazy person, didn't seem like the kinda man interested in being a father."
"I understand but I panicked okay?" He said placing his hands on her shoulders in a way of stopping her from going upstairs. " But I wanna be apart of this, every step of the way. I love you and this baby is going to be so special because it's ours and he was created out of love."

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