Welcome to Paradise

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Overwhelmed was an understatement, Kassi was buried in kids clothing and hadn't even started on her stuff. Somehow she had to pack for 3 kids and herself for their trip to the Bahamas for Brian's brother's wedding.

She originally planned on just having London go with her dad but after Brian failed at convincing her to join with the boys, he called in his secret weapon, Mama Quinn. Carol Quinn was still very close to her granddaughter's mom and called her one afternoon saying she and the boys were still family, no matter her status with Brian and she was coming to this family event. After she got off the phone with Carol she sent Brian a text telling him he fought dirty and guess she would see him in the Bahamas.

After hours she was finally done and dragged all the suitcases downstairs. She was at the kitchen island making sure all the passports and plane tickets were in order when she saw Harrison pull in her driveway. Things had improved a little bit between the two since London was sick but he was still distant and Kassi couldn't figure out why.

"Hey you!" She greeted him with a hug. Something seemed off with him. "Everything okay?" She asked concerned.

"All packed for the trip?" He asked avoiding her question.

"I think so." She answered "Harrison? What's wrong?"

He gave her a small sad smile, "I give." He said putting up his hands in a surrendering manner.

"What are you talking about?" She asked.

He let out a heavy sigh, "Kassi I've been thinking..."

"You're breaking up with me aren't you?" She interrupted him.

"I think we both knew this was coming. I'm not Quinn." He said.

"What is that supposed to mean?" She asked kind of annoyed that he was bringing Brian up.

"Please don't make this hard, I've known for some time now. I can't continue to be with a woman that is in love with another man. I guess I was hoping your feelings for me would eventually becoming stronger than the ones you have for him but I just don't see that happening." He took a seat at the kitchen island as she stared at him with this perplexed look on her face. "I don't want to be here while you're on this trip and wonder what you're doing. I think we both know something will happen between the two of you on this trip."

"You're saying I would cheat on you?!" Kassi exclaimed but in her head she really couldn't deny that it was that far fetched.

"I'm saying you're gonna be on this island, drinking, spending time with his family, going to a wedding. Obviously there will be temptation and it just isn't fair to me to be sitting home going crazy because I don't know what you and Quinn will be doing together." He said calmly. He really was falling in love with this girl but he wasn't as upset as he thought he would be.

"Harrison, I didn't even want to go in the first place." She told him.

"Go, have a good time, and if you happen to come back completely over him then call me. If it's okay I'll come for my stuff while you're gone and leave the key." He kissed her cheek and before Kassi could even protest he was out the door and out of her life.
Later on the evening Kassi and London arrived at Danny's house to pick up the boys. Technically he was supposed to have them one more night but they had to leave so early for the airport Kassi asked to have them back early.

"Hi Danny!" London greeted bouncing up and down in his kitchen. Her brothers' dad was always very nice to her and would sometimes sneak her snacks when no one was paying attention.

"Hey kiddo!" Danny exclaimed high-fiving the little girl, "There's some chips on the counter with your name on them." he whispered making her giggle.

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