No One Has to Know

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"Oh yeah harder baby, you're so hot!" She cried out underneath him.

"You're so fucking sexy, I need more!" Brian exclaimed as he pounded into her as hard and as fast as he could as he showered her neck with kisses.

She took him by surprise as she used all her strength to roll him to his back and got on top to ride him. Brian reached up and grabbed at her tits loving the feeling of them in his hands. "Ride my cock sweetheart, ride daddy's cock. You're so fucking good."

She smiled down at him finally getting what she had been working at for over a month, "Tell me how good I am, I wanna hear it." She begged him.

"So much better than my fiancé. You are so much better than her and any woman I've ever had!" He admitted with a loud moan as he spilled inside of her. "I wanna taste you again Dani!" He said then buried his face between her legs gettin turned on when he tasted both of them inside of her.

Kassi jumped awake in a panic at her dream. She placed her hand over her heart feeling it beat a hundred miles an hour. She took a couple deep breaths to try and calm herself down. Unfortunately this wasn't the first dream she had about Brian and his "co-star" in bed together. She knew she was being irrational but they were dreams, she couldn't control them no matter how bad she wanted to.

She glanced over beside her and noticed her little girl still fast asleep. Ever since Brian left for Atlanta about a month ago, London asked to sleep with her every night. She knew it had something to do with missing her dad and wanting to be close to her other parent and if Kassi was being honest she liked having another person to sleep next to even if it was a 4 year old. She missed snuggling up to her man more than anything.

She had seen a few tabloid and fan pictures online of all of them out in Atlanta. Dani was in some of the photos but so were so many other members of the Jokers' crew, who she adored, so she really had no right getting upset but it still gave her a ping of jealousy in her stomach. Here she was missing Brian like crazy, as were the kids, and this woman was with him living it up in Atlanta.

Today was going to be a good day though, she had been excited for it all week. This was the day she and Brian's mom were taking a drive to see the wedding venue in Newport. She was even more excited because it was going to be the first time the two women spent some time together just the two of them and she was really looking forward to it. One of Brian's brothers had offered to keep the kids for the day so it would be easier to tour it and ask as many questions as she needed to.

Kassi shook the bad thoughts from her head and grabbed her phone that was plugged in on the nightstand and made her way downstairs leaving a sleeping London curled up on her daddy's side of the bed.

As she was waiting for the coffee pot to finish brewing her phone beeped with a new text.

Brian: Skype date??

She laughed as she powered up her laptop and logged into her Skype account. In less than a minute she had an incoming call. "Baby!" She answered smiling when his face appeared on her screen.

"Are you a sight for sore eyes." He smiled back warmly. "God do I miss you."

"What's the matter already bored with your pictures from the other night?" She teased. Whenever Brian was away Kassi always loved sending him sexy pictures of herself, this last batch was her most over the top since she had no kids for a few hours. As a gift Brian has sent her a vibrator in the mail so when the kids were at school she laid in bed and took some pictures of her using her new gift. Brian had been on set getting mic'ed up for a challenge when he got them and could have killed her. He lost big time that day because he was entirely too distracted and couldn't wait to get back to his hotel that night.

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