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Louis: I’ll meet you at the pub at 7?

Me: Sounds good, see you then

I walked into the pub a few minutes after 7, glancing around for Louis. I felt warm hands grip my waist and smirked. I turned around and came face to face with my date for that evening, pressing my lips to his.

I had spent the afternoon contemplating my life and I sure as hell didn’t know where it was going. On one hand, I wanted Harry but he had discarded me like yesterday’s newspaper. On the other hand, Louis wanted me and was nice to me but he was no Harry. And to make things worse, I found myself unable to rip myself away from Alex who caused me physical pain as it helped me forget my emotional pain. I was all sorts of fucked up currently and in a matter of a few days.

“Someone’s happy to see me,” he commented as he led us towards a table in the back. He was dressed in the same clothes as earlier, which was fine because I was too.

I smiled at him as we sat across from each other at the table. “I was just overwhelmed by how sexy you look in your glasses.”

He laughed and placed his hand over mine, squeezing it.

We glanced over the menu, deciding on a late Sunday roast and I decided to continue my binge drinking and ordered the two of us two pints of beer as well. Louis excused himself to go to the bathroom before the food came and I found myself sneaking in a few shots while he was gone. Thankfully, the pub was nearly empty so I didn’t have to fight with a crowd to get my fix.

I winced as the alcohol burned my throat before returning to my seat at the table right as Louis came out of the bathroom. I had ordered us another two pints while he was gone and he raised an eyebrow at me when he saw them next to our half empty pints. “Thirsty?”

I forced a laugh after I downed some of my first drink. “It’s five o’clock somewhere.”

He shook his head and drank the rest of his beer as well. Our food arrived shortly after and I pushed the chicken around on my plate, suddenly not very hungry. I filled up on more alcohol finished my second, returning to the bar to order our third round.

“Gee, are you okay?” Louis asked when I returned.

“Of course!” I had snuck another shot and was beginning to feel the effects of the very heavy IPAs I had been ordering for us all night. I returned my attention to my food, eating a few of the vegetables before placing my napkin to signify that I was done.

The waitress cleared the table shortly after and we sat silently while we drank our beers.

“Shots?” I asked. My head felt heavy and I knew I should have ate more. I just didn’t want to feel anything anymore. Louis was so sweet and I just wished he could take all the pain away.

“Do you need to be drunk to hang out with me or something?” His tone was teasing but his look was serious.

“No!” I exclaimed, suddenly feeling very bubbly. “Come on, stop being such a pouty pants and let’s get wasted!”

He rolled his eyes and followed me to the bar. I ordered us four more shots and another pint of beer. We finished the shots at the bar and I made him chug the first beer with me before ordering another. I vaguely remember Louis dragging me out of the bar and some shouting going on but I wasn’t sure why. 

All I know is I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache and six missed calls from Gemma. I checked the time. It was 11:30 in the morning. Fucking hell. I called her back and got her voicemail. I left a message saying I would be on my way shortly.

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