Chapter 32: Tangled In The Great Escape

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"Hey, we've had Star Wars, Potter and Forest Gump. What 'bout me?" Complained Vic, throwing the wizard DVD into its case.

"You'll get your turn... Eventually" Jaime giggled and Vic pulled puppy eyes.

"It's not fair. I always have mine on last and because we watched three movies before, we're sick of 'em!"

"It's not fair" mimicked Mike, in a higher pitched tone.

"It's true" the older brother exclaimed before throwing a comfy cushion at his sibling.

"Fuck this I'm gonna go smoke" the drummer paced out of the room.

"I'll join ya" standing up, I kissed Tony on the cheek with no response in return.


Breathing a long drag into my lungs and out again, I felt my mobile buzz in my black trouser pocket.

Hey Flex,
Erm. I jst wnt 2 let u no tht Im only a txt away if u wnt 2 talk. I no tht u r goin thru a lot at the mo. I'm here 4 u. I hope u r both happy 2gether. Chin up.
Oli x

Smiling at my phone like an idiot I simply replied 'thanks, here 4 u 2' before sliding it away. Finishing the smoke with Mikey, we joined with the band again, which were watching Wayne's World, with Vic beaming a tremendous grin. Obviously, he had won, therefore, was able to play one of his favourite films. Climbing onto the comfy couch, I crawled up to Tony and slipped into his strong arms. However, he didn't seem to be in the cuddle mood so it was a little uncomfortable so I quickly changed positions.


"Home at last" sighed Tony in relieve. Although he loves watching films, especially when he chooses, Turtle seems to become rather restless unlike me who can curl up in a ball like a cat all day and not move. "Shall I cook someone or just order a takeaway?"

"Takeaway because we're lazy." He nodded in agreement. After he ordered a Chinese, we perched onto the front door step watching the stars sparkle in the glorious night sky.

"Your eyes are red. Are you okay?" Asked Tony, lifting my head up by placing his thumb under my chin.

"Yeah. Just tired" I half-lied. I was sleepy but also some negative thoughts have started to creep back but I won't admit that, as well as being seriously concerned about Olivia. Even her parents haven't answered their house phone. Tony threw his arm around my shoulders and pulled me close as I rested my heavy head on his chest.

"Can I erm, ask something?" My boyfriend spoke up after a few minutes of comfortable silence.


"How come you're smoking so much?" Tony quaked.

"I don't know. I kinda like it I guess. Makes me feel stuff. Why'd you ask?"

"Oh, because tiredness and red eyes are side effects of smoking weed. I'm just worried about you." I raised my head while his arm stayed around me.

"Well I'm fine" I snapped. Where did this anger suddenly appear from?

"Felicity?" Tony half-whispered, raising his eyebrow.

"What?" I demanded harshly.

"Oh. Nothing" he mumbled, backing down, removing his arm.

"Well don't say my name then" I hissed. Anger boiled like a witches cauldron inside my body.

"Sorry" he muttered, keeping to himself.

Scared of hurting him anymore, I stumbled to my feet before running upstairs to the bathroom, slamming the door shut with a loud bang! Why am I being like this? Why angry? Really, I should feel bad but I don't. I hardly feel anything. I didn't like it. Opening the cabinet, I found it.

Silver tongue. Shaving slice. Cold cutter.

Grabbing the blade in my hand, my eyes flooded. I collected the metal object from a disposable shaving utensil a few days ago when Tony went out skating. Honestly, I have been feeling crappy for a while but I haven't been able to admit it. I'm frightened. Rolling my hoodie sleeve up and fondling my bracelets, thin closing lines stared up at me. A large, watery tear dripped like a leaking tap from my eye onto the fresh cuts, allowing it to sting slightly. Tony will hate me.

Knock. Knock.

As if on cue, my boyfriend arrived and opened the door. Fuck, I must have forgotten to lock it. "Flex" he whispered, cautiously stepping towards me, eyes fixed on the metal razor blade on the side of the white sink. Quickly, I pulled my sleeve back down before facing him in hope that he didn't see. His eyes were watery but not crying. Well Done Flex, made him cry again! What a shitty girlfriend I am. Brings him constant misery.

"I'm so sorry for-for b-being a crappy person" he embraced me in a long cuddle while I sobbed, "I'm s-sorry for everything-g" I choked.

"Don't be. It's not your fault. I love you okay? Remember that" Tony kissed my head, keeping his arms around my body.

"You deserve someone much better though"

"Look sweetie. I want to hold your hand while you sleep and massage your back when the day has been a little too tough on you.
I want to see you when you first wake up all sleepy smiles and dreading to get out of bed
or right before you go to sleep and tell me that there's no where you'd rather be.

You always make up lyrics
even though you're convinced that those are the words - you're so adorable.
I want my legs wrapped around your legs and tangled in a mess with nothing but the sheets on top of us. I want your breath in my ear
and your eyes staring into mine.
I want to be your breakfast buddy,
I promise to share my food
if you promise to let me drink all your water when the waitress takes forever to fill up mine.
I can't go anywhere without looking around the room to see if you're there and
I can't drive down the fucking street without looking for you walking or skating on the pavement." reduced to tears and cracking voice, "I can't close my eyes and not see your fucking face
or hear your voice in my fucking head"

I was utterly speechless.

"I love you so fucking much" was all i managed to say between my flowing tears and chocking on words. Holding each other closely for a few minutes before breaking apart.

"Come on, let's not allow all that food go to waste" he smiled as I nodded in return.


Only a few chapters left. Oooh exciting. Thank you for reading this far :D

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