Chapter 12: It's Just a Tee

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Waking up, I felt a pair strong arms wrapped around my waist. It scared me a little. Jaime was sweet letting me share his bed but is this too intimate? I have never been this close to someone, i mean, I have hugged people but not been this 'close'. Was this wrong? I am not sure. I am not sure about anything anymore... Breaking free from his grasp, I hopped out of the bunk and went to grab a coffee in the kitchen. It was 7:54am. Why am I up so early?

"Morning" A voice spoke behind me which startled me.

"Oh, morning Tony"

"Sorry for making you jump"

"It's okay. I was lost in thought" I smiled reassuring. After he poured himself a hot drink, he joined me at the table. Sitting opposite me, we exchanged awkward silence. "So what you doin' up so early?" i asked before taking a sip of my drink.

"Couldn't sleep. You?"


"How was Jaime?" Tony chuckled.

""erm..okay I guess" I thought out loud, "a little awkward to be honest" I spoke quieter so only Tony could hear. I didn't want to hurt Jaime's feelings. Tony nodded. "Don't get me wrong, I like him but only as a friend and I dunno, it just seemed wrong... the bunk was comfy though". I chuckled to lighten the mood.

"Well, if you want mine I will sleep somewhere else. It's okay" He assured, sealing it with a smile.

"maybe one day" I returned the smile.

"TONY IF YA DON'T COME AND GET YA PHONE NOW, I WILL THROW IT AGAINST THE WALL" Mike yelled from the bunk area. Tony pulled a funny expression and rolled his eyes before jogging off to grab his phone. As he checked his phone his pace slowed. Eventually making it back to the table, he placed his phone down and whispered "Mike's not a morning person if you couldn't tell already" which made he laugh. "Anyways, i best get ready, Jaxin wants to talk to me about my clothing line before he leaves. He is going to leave us and visit some friends or something".

"Key Street right?"

Tony nodded with a smile on his face.

"Awesome, I love it! Have fun"

After a watching morning TV for a while and going on my phone, Jaime wandered through in to the sitting area. We exchanged pleasantries and continued to watch telly together.

"Is this really what you Brits watch?"

"Yeah!" The programme was The Jeremy Kyle Show. "He did a few series' over in the US"

"Oh right... how did you sleep?"

"Good thanks" I half-lied, "Yourself?"

"Great yeah thanks. I was worried you would fall off the edge at one point. You were so close" He emphasized the distance through his hands and actions, "at one point I had to hold onto you. I was scared you'd fall"

"Ahh, that would explain why I woke in your arms this morning"

"yeah, there were no funny business" he laughed. "unless you want there to be" He continued to laugh.

"That desperate huh?" I joked and thankfully he knew I was messing.

"Dang! How do you know?" He pretended to stress.

"God Jaime, it's obvious!"

"That sucks! Jaime pretended to sulk. Being sat next to him I threw my arms around him and hugged him.

"Maybe one day Hime-Time"

"Yay" He exclaimed and hugged me back.

Two Turtles in a Pond (Tony Perry)Where stories live. Discover now