Chapter 27: Planning

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"Come on Tony" I sighed, dragging him off the couch, "the party is less than a week and we haven't sorted out anything!"

'But" giving me the most adorable puppy eyes, he pointed towards Star Wars: The Clone Wars on the TV.

"Babe, you know I love you right, well, did you know that is a cartoon for kids"

"Have you seen how adorable Yoda is though!"

"Very, we should get a pet one" I chuckled. No. I cannot give in.

"Can we?" Tone's eyes light up bright like the Northern Star in winter, he jumped into his knees, kneeling on the sofa.

"Yes, if you will help me arrange this party?" I blackmailed, trying not to let go of the fact that how amazing a pet Yoda would be. Hell, I don't even know if that's possible. I might buy him a teddy one for Christmas. Sealing the promise we made to each other with a kiss, we sat out in the garden making plans.

"Who usually comes to these parties?" I asked, scribbling down on a piece of paper something about what drinks we need to buy.

"People" Tony winked sarcastically as I shot him some devil eyes back. "Friends, band members. Never family. No, we get too wasted"

"Sinners" I choked laughing, obviously referring to ourselves.

"Exactly" Tony agreed chuckling.

"Food?" I spoke, creating a separate list for another store.

"Anything Mexican should do the trick. Come on Flex, thought you'd know us by now."

"Just making sure"

"Oh, also, when we invite bands, if you want a specific band that you want to meet and that we are friends with, i'll try and get them for you"

"Oh my God, thanks Tony. You're the best" leaping into his arms, we rolled on the soft, green grass. There we remained for the rest of the afternoon, watching the sun set over our heads as we laid - myself snuggled into his chest - observing the beautiful sky change colour from light to dark. Surprisingly, it was rather romantic. Once it started to become chilly, I declared I was going for a shower to warm myself up as Tony cooked us some dinner. First time he has made a proper meal for us both which didn't involve piercing a plastic sheet and placing it in a microwave until ready to serve. I have fallen for that trick on many occasions.


"Dinners ready hun" I heard Tony yell from the bottom of the stairs.

"Down in a minute" I responded. Throwing my hair into messy bun and covering my arms by wearing a hoodie, I went to eat whatever Tony prepared before my stomach grumbled at me any more.

I gasped.

Stepping back into the garden, I was greeted by many scented candles glowing in the darkness. Tony was stood like a waiter at the table with a tremendous grin on his little face.

"Hello miss lady." Pulling a chair out to help me sit, Tone grinned once more before bringing out the meal. It is elegant yet still semi-casual; steak with a classic restaurant fare. Eating in romantic candlelight, in the background there was some orchestral music being played. The shining stars above us watched in awe. After dinner, we threw the dishes in the dishwasher (who the hell wants to do the dishes?), before moving to the couch for some snuggle time. As we watched We're The Millers, Tony and I devoured a perfect chocolate fondue with the helping of strawberries and marshmallows.


I wanted to ask why. Why all this? Did I do something to deserve it? however, I wouldn't allow myself to ask the burning questions as it could potentially spoil the perfect evening. Yes, I said perfect.

Two Turtles in a Pond (Tony Perry)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon