Chapter 13: A Dream Away

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"Damn, I really need to get some more clothes, I've been wearing these jeans for a week now!" I exclaimed with slight frustration. I hated this; I felt dirty. Although I have showered everyday I didn't feel clean. Mike told me it was a part of touring - to have the feeling of being unhygienic constantly - I just really didn't like it.

"I know, you hardly have anything here" Vic sighed out of sympathy. It was true, I have borrowed a pair of Vic's jeans, one of Mike's tank tops and one of Jaime's tees for bed. Not to get graphic but wearing the same almost four days... EW!

"I ought to go home and get some things"

"Good idea, best do it soon before we move too far away" Mike spoke before biting into a plain bread roll. Oh Mike, he is so random at times. He was gnawing at it like he was a dog chewing a bone. They invited me to stay with them until the tour finishes. i am not sure what will happen after. Probably, I will just get thrown onto the streets or somthing.


"I don't want you going back by yourself" Vic stressed, he was so thoughtful and caring.

"I'll come with you" Tony said. happily.

"are you sure? You don't have to. I was gonna go middle of the night when thwy have both passed out" I had already thought about this.

"I'm not letting you go somewhere dangerous by yourself. I'm coming".

"If you're sure, wanna go tonight?"

"Sounds good" Tony nodded.

"Me, Mike and Hime will be outside or very close by should you need us. No but's. We will be there" Vic assured.

"Thanks guys. It truly means so much"


"How you feeling hunni?" Jaime asked stroking my back as we stood outside the council house I called 'home'..

"Yeah, just a little nervous"

"Well we will be out here and Tony is coming with you" Vic smiled, puffing out his chest a little to make him seem bigger and stronger.

"Oh yeah!" Mike cracked his knuckles and pretended to fight until Vic shot him a evil look which made me smile.

"Alright" I chuckled and jumped onto the brick wall before climbing a tree in the garden and walked along the tiny porch roof before jumping through my old bedroom window. By the looks on Pierce The Veil's faces, they seemed surprised. Tony simply shrugged his manly shoulders and joined me but climbing more nervously and with caution. I must have looked like a monkey compared to him! Finally, Tony made in into my room after almost falling several times.

"Right, before I turn the light on" i whispered, "Don't judge the posters, i have a fucked up music taste." Worryingly, i heard Tony chuckle. Flipping the light switch, I adjusted myself before finding a wide-eyed Tony staring at my posters on the walls.

"God, I can tell you are British!" He laughed quietly. It was true, I had many British bands and singers on my wall from all different genres including BMTH, YMAS, Take That and The Beatles to name a few.

"hey, I'm proud to be British" I smirked, "come on, let's grab some things and get outta here!" I whispered enthusiastically. Throwing a large backpack to Tony, I showed him where I kept my tees and jeans etc were so he could pack them. I grabbed my underwear and shoved them into a suitcase along with some other belongings. I was petrified in case we made too much noise and woke Dad and Pamela up. I doubt it because we timed it so we would arrive two hours after they usually pass out from the drinking they do. Grabbing a few CDs and DVDs from a shelf, I knocked a small, brown, wooden box. "Shit!" I angered in a hush tone. Quickly, i picked up the brown box and put all my blades back inside before sitting on my bed hoping Tony didn't see - he saw...

"i hope you are leaving them behind" He softly spoke perching next to me. I sighed. "You're better than this. I know you are. we have only known each other for a short period of time yet i know that. Look, I know we haven't spoke much but I am here for you and so are the other guys" He wiped a stray tear that made its way down my face, "I know you can stop love. You are strong. you may not feel it but you are" Tony threw arm around me and I snuggled into him a little.

"Thanks Tony, nobody's ever said anything like that to me before. It means so much"

"hey, don't thank me, I care about you" for a moment, he rested his head on top of mine. Slowly, I handed him the box. He smiled at me, nodded and placed it next to him; our hands brushed past each other slightly. "Remember, i care about you."

Tony stared into my green eyes as I stared into his brown ones.They were hazel-brown eyes like the forest's floor, the fern and bark it's colors, ever-changing with the seasons. Slowly, he leant forward but lingered for a moment as if he was searching for my approvel. As I moved closer, his lips paused in front of mine, like he was having cold feet. It seemed like forever, so I closed the distance even more. He brought his hand up to the back of my head, tangling strands in between his fingers. He was gentle at first, but now his lips were now crashing on mine. My breath came in wildly, and for a second I stopped breathing. His lips parted mine, and I arched my body closer to his.

My first kiss felt just like I thought in my dreams, but more magical...

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