Chapter 24: Apologise Now or Never

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"Look..." Tony repeated, "before you walk off again and leave me forever I just want you to know that I'm sorry and I didn't mean what I said." He was already reduced to an emotional wreak. "The word kinda just jumped out. Felicity, babe, you are not horrible. Far from it. Please understand that. You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen-"

"Tony I-"

"Please, let me finish. I love you Flex, very very much and it pains me to see that you are upset, it's even worse knowing that I did this to you. Look, if you want me to leave I will. It would hurt me very much but I would do that for you. I would do anything for you. I'm sorry. I didn't mean any of this to happen. I really hate myself for all this. I-I should leave." Without looking at me, he stumbled past me, eyes puffy and red. Quickly, I grabbed his tattooed arm pulling Tony back through my also blurred vision.

"Tony I-I don't know what to say. I'm sorry I left you. I figured you didn't want me" I bawled, "I love you Tony. Please don't leave." Falling, Tony caught me and pulled me into himself, stroking my hair and whispering cute things into my ear. It was just like old times.

"Could you just answer me one thing though?" my heart stopped as I pulled away and looked through his watery eyes. "Are they all from self-harm?" Taking a deep breathe, slowly I shook my head and Tony embraced me into another hug. "I'm sorry that was an awful question"

"It's okay. I guess we should have gotten to know each other a little better"

"Agreed. It was still amazing"

"It was" I chuckled, casting my mind back.

"Shall we talk more later as they are probably starting to think we have murdered each other" Tony laughed, referring to his band mates.


"Love you"

"Love you too." Interwinding our fingers together, we stepped through the games room door and all eyes were on us. The brothers looked unbelievably happy whereas the bass player looked slightly disappointed. Mental note: apologise to Jaime for snapping at him earlier.

"Well thank fuck for that!' Mike exclaimed. We all laughed.

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