Chapter 1: Can't Drown My Demons

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Silence. Dead silence. The only sound to be heard was caused by the heavy rain droplets that gentle splashed onto the cold, hard pavement which i wondered on.


Shivering, I pulled my sleeved over my hands, shielding them from the bitter weather. You wouldn't believe it's the middle of summer! Pretty soon, I am sure I will be able to see my own breath. That's Britain for you!

Sleeves also hide scars...

It was 11:06pm as I slowly stepped through my absent street wondering if it was all over. I should probably explain; I am Felicity Matthews - nicknamed Felix - I'm 17-years-old and I live with my father and my step-mom Pamela. My mom, my real mom, died when I was 11 due to cancer, whereas my twin brother committed suicide when I was 13. I miss them terribly, especially Josh - we were so close!

The council house was deathly silent compared to earlier that day. My dad and Pamela were arguing - per usual - so that's why I went out. I always try to escape this type of madness because usually I end up getting dragged into it somehow resulting in them blaming me. Blaming me even if I had nothing to do with it which is almost always. They abuse me both verbally and physically. When I was 8 was even put into hospital because of father's punches. Avoiding the creaky floorboards (I knew where they were I had snuck in and out of the house many times previously), I tiptoed my way to my bedroom. My chamber.

My sanctuary.

In here, I sit on my laptop blogging about bands and writing/ reading fanfictions while listening to music of course.

My escape.

I do this until the sun starts to wake up.

Suddenly, my phone buzzed in my pocket, alarming me I had received message. Who could message me at this hour? Olivia - my best friend - had sent me a text; she was the only person I trust after what happened and she is the only person who knows the real me - She doesn't even know everything!

'Happy Bday Felix!! I'll see u later. btw. I have got u da best prezzie eva! x'

I completely forget it was my birthday! its not like I have anyone to celebrate it with any family or whoever. Years ago, I would have had Josh but not now. Never again.

I replied with: 'aw thanx but u didn't have to get me anything x'

'u will take that back in a min.. got ya tickets to see PTV!!!!x'

Seriously! My favourite band were coming back to the UK and I didn't even know! Seriously, I couldn't believe it! These four Mexicans had saved my life and I am not just saying that; they were there for me when nobody else was, when I was feeling down etc. I don't need to justify myself but after everything I have been through, they were always there. Always.

To say I was fangirling was an understatement!

After communicating about the concert for some time, I discovered that it was on the 22nd August - the day before Josh's death anniversary. The day before I was planning to commit...

Well, this could be interesting...

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