Chapter 20: Party means Drink, Drugs and Sex

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"Sooo, what do we do over here?" I asked as I was lazily laid on one of Mike's couches at his home. After mine and Tony's little moment we shared in the garden that morning, we freshened up and went to the drummer's house as he was throwing a random party like Mike often does. Usually, they stick by the rule 'do not communicate once off tour for three days' but today was an exception. Vic, his brother and Tony were sorting something in the backyard while Jaime and I stayed inside.

"whatya mean?"

"Obviously I know the fanfics I have read do not actually happen but what do you guys do for fun"

"I dunno. Sit about, play games, party, go clubbing, get laid"

"Woah, what a life!" I chuckled and Jaime agreed.

"We're plaaaaayers" He spoke nodding his head smoothly.Suddenly, Olivia jumped into my head. God, she doesn't know what has happened. In fact, we haven't spoke since the concert. That was weeks ago! She hasn't tried to contact me I don't think. Pulling out my old, breaking phone, 0 new messages flashed on the screen. Nope. No effort for contact. Did that man do something bad to her? "You okay there? Flex?"

"S-sorry I er, zoned out for a minute"

"You don't say" Jaime joked lightly.

"I er, be right back" Jumping off the sofa, I stood in the kitchen as it I didn't know my way around Mike's huge home yet and I dialed Olivia. She didn't pick up. I called again. Still no answer. Thinking about it, she must be asleep as it was afternoon here so it would probably be early hours over there. Olivia wasn't like me, she would wrap herself up in bed at a reasonable time where I would go to bed when the sun would start to rise. Pressing my fiip-phone to my lips, I remained standing in the kitchen for a number of minutes lost in my own thought before making my way outside to help out in the preperation.


Around two hours after setting up, people started to arrive and the party 'hit-off' as some people would say. Thumping music making the house crumble and paint peel, cars parked on the lawn as well as clogging up the streets, beer bottles in the driveway, strong stenches of booze, sex, cigarettes and vomit wrapped around my nostrils and the occasional drunken person stumbling down the sidewalk or passing out where ever they were stood. So this is obviously what a party was like. I had only attended one before but not like this. I had seem this type in those cheesy high-school movies and this one Mike was throwing seemed far too stereotypical of one of them. When the party hit midnight, most people were in the garden dancing. People kept brushing up against me as they stumbled around - drunk and disoriented. The crush of people was a suffocating ocean while the house was like the inside of a gigantic beast. Around 3am, the partyers were either escorted home, simply left or passed-out drunk somewhere. That left us five - Pierce The Veil and I - alone in the backyard sat around a firepit which was roaring away with flames. Mike, Vic and Jaime were pretty wasted while Tony and I were drunk but not overly. Not like some poor souls are. Gosh, they will hate themselves for that in the morning!

"So was that your first ever P.A.R.T.Y?" Mike screeched into the night sky like a wolf during a full-moon. I shock my head in response.

"God, you make me sound like a 6-year-old. I have but not exactly one on this level" Emphasisng the party by throwing my arms about, highlighting the mess around them.

"well kids start early nowadays right Vic?" Jaime smiled, grabbing his friend, shaking him a little.

"Heyy, that's mean. Mikey, Hime is being a meanie-wenie!" Vic scoffed, pretending to be a angry child.

"Huh? oh er quit it Jaime. Anyone wanna smoke?" Tony, Vic and Jaime all shook their heads but I nodded.

"Sure why not?" I shrugged and stood up with Mike but Tony grabbed my wrist which hurt a little but I didn't let they pain show.

"You know he means drugs right?" Tone raised his eyebrows staring at me with his adorable puppy eyes. I nodded.

"I have lost count the amount of times I got high with myself" I spoke before walking off with Mike to the other end of the garden to light up.

"Woah. That's different" I heard Jaime exclaim.

"It's worrying" Tony muttered quietly, probably hoping I would not hear him - i did! God, I hope I am not worrying him. I'm just trying to live my life again and try to secure some friends. First proper friends I have had since like nursery. Guess I've almost always been 'a loner'. Ignoring Tony's comment best I could, lighting up, I took a big drag filling up my lungs. Although my back is turned to them, I could almost feel Tony's stare burning into my back. Sighing, I finished smoking and sat back down with the group feeling a bit lighter and more at ease. Watching the wood die off slowly in the flames, I felt myself becoming more tired by the minute and by the looks of it, Tony was too.

"I think we best be off" I spoke of behalf of us both, with my boyfriend simply nodding in agreement. Standing up, I went slightly dizzy and Tony guided me home.

Climbing into our lovely and warm bed, I climbed on top of Tony and kissed him passionately with him pushing his lips against mine forcefully. Naked, we kissed for sometime. Rolling over so he was on top, he stopped and looked at me.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"I am"

"Is that a sober decision? I don't want to take an advantage. That wouldn't be right or fair or-" I cut him off by placing my finger on top of his lips.

"As a sober decision I am sure" I sealed it with more kisses.

"Okay" he whispered as he....


Sex scenes are just too awkward to right so....
Oh well ahah :3

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